Another One Gone

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R/N: Look at that awesome cover. Thanks Santa!

Ty's POV:

"Ian? Where are you?" This is just creepy. I can't find Ian and it's just too dark. Oh wait, I grabbed a torch in my pocket and strolled down the hall.

All of a sudden, I see someone standing there. "Ty? Is that you?!" Someone called me. I think it was Ian. I ran as fast as I can until I see someone I didn't want to see.

"Well, well well. Look who we have here. Dragon boy returns." Sub teases holding Ian in his fists. "Sub let him go!" I instructed him. "Or what have the same fight as last time?" He placed Ian in a bird cage that magically appeared and cracked his knuckles.

What kind of powers did he have?

I couldn't take it anymore! I spread my ender wings and fly up in the air. But I was caught off guard when Sub was just standing still. I shook my head as I tried to punch, he grabbed my hand like nothing.

"Puny Deadlox. It looks like you be dead." He threw me out of the HQ causing a big hole in the wall (R/N: Who remembers that show?). I got slingshot into the oak wood forest.

Narrator's POV(Christmas Edition):

Oh hello there. Wasn't expecting this right? Well getting in the Christmas spirit, I'm here to tell you the tale of "How Herobrine Stole Recruits". Let's begin shall we?

Twas the night of horror when all through the night, not one mob was spawning; not even one knight.

Everyone was dreaming away with love, hoping that Notch will watch them from above.

But two people won't wait for morning shine, their names were Subzero and Herobrine.

Sub captured Ian and took him away, while Ty is just nowhere to be seen again.

And so Herobrine took recruits one by one, not letting them have fun at all.

Meanwhile in the distance running on their feet, are two girls named Rookie and Tea.

They want to help Ty with his troubles, but soon to realize that there were in a big bubble.

Alas stood their face to face, Sub and Herobrine trying to stop the human race.

Sub laughs and laughs looking at the two girls, them knowing that theres danger alert.

Want to know what happened to these two cookies? Find out now on point of view Rookie.

Rookie's POV:

"Herobrine. I should've known I smelled trouble." Tea spoke holding her sword. "Wait I thought Herobrine was dead?" I asked Tea. She then faced palm herself.

"Hey it's you. That Subway guy that controlled Jason!" I pointed out. "Don't call me that." He ordered me. "Don't get him angry." Tea whispered to me while Herobrine just stands there.

"Subway, eat fresh! I love Subway sandwiches!" I teased him. "THAT'S IT! YOUR TOAST!" He grabbed me and I was hanging upside down. "AAHHHHH!" I screamed.

"ROOKIE!" She called me. "TEA! YOU HAVE TO RUN! DON'T WORRY ABOUT ME!" I told her as Sub grins at me. "But..." "GO!" She nods holding back tears and runs.
Cliffhanger!!! What will happen to Ian? Will the gang stop Herobrine? Will I, Rookie be saved? Will Tea be able to escape? Where's Ty? Find out soon on Heart Above Subzero!

And now to Rookie and Tea's Shorts!

Tea: Well that was an interesting twist of events.

Rookie: I LOVE the holidays!

Tea: I can tell. I do too! I hope you all have a great day!

Rookie: Yup! I hope we get to see Castor Claus!

Tea: uh, who?

Rookie: Castor Claus is the BEST! He is Santa's Brother. Castor is delivering presents this year. You see, Santa and Castor switch turns each year.

Tea: You better not bring a Santa wannabe in here....

*Next Day*

Tea: Goddamn it Rookie, what did I say?!

Rookie: Is that Castor sleeping on our couch?

Tea: Yeah I'm out of here....

Castor: Wha- Ho,Ho,Ho! Merry Christmas *hiccup* Tea and Rookie!

Rookie: Yeah, sometimes he's drunk. Mostly he's not.

Castor: Have a steak! *gives us steak* Now I gotta go. Bye *hiccup* bye.

*Castor jumps through the window*

Rookie: Well, Merry Christmas everyone!

Tea: If you don't celebrate Christmas, Happy Holidays!

Heart Above SubzeroOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz