New Friends, New Beginnings

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Sky's POV:

"S-s-so c-c-cold." Ty whimpers as he takes a sip of water. "Eat some Mushroom Stew soup. It will help you." I told him giving him the soup bowl. "No!" He whines knocking it off my hand.

"Dude. Why you do dis?" I whistled to our new pet ender dragon. He looked at me then the floor and licked up the stew. "N-n-no Riot. Sk-sk-sky. Your g-gonna get h-h-him!" Ty sneezed.

Riot flew on the bed holding a tissue in his mouth. "Th-thanks." He stuttered blowing his nose (R/N: Does minecrafters have a nose?). After Ty went to herd the sheeps, he gotten a cold in the snow biome.

Suddenly, someone was knocking on the door. "I'll get it." I said as I opened the door. Brice was standing there out of breath. "Got...your...medi..." He huffs and puffs. "Dude, come on in. You must've came a long way to get here."

"No joke. If I could remember what my little magician told me..."

"Little magician. Dude he's like 10 inches taller than you."

"Just give him the antidote." Brice gave me the look-alike potion and we both entered the master bedroom.

"Ty. We got the..." I spoke but I gotten quiet when I saw someone wearing a blue and white hoodie similar to Mitch's. It was giving Ty a potion."Hey! Who are you?! What's in the flask?" Brice shouts. But the figure leaves out the window and ran back into the forest.

"The figure left a note for us." He said giving me the note. "Dear two guys,
Don't worry about your friend. He'll be alright. But might be drunkish,confused,sleepy, and emotional. See you around

"Who is this R?" I asked Brice. "I don't know. Like the letter R or as in Rookie?" Brice shrugged. "ACHOO!" Ty sneezed again. "Bless you." We said in unison. "Bless me for what?" Ty asked.

Just then Mailwoman Derpy barged in breaking the door. She has this light buttery hair. I just don't understand why her eyes are not accurate like mines.

"Opps sorry about that. I just don't know what went wrong." She apologized. "Its ok Derpy. So whats new?" "Well you got a letter from Jason." She smiled handing me the letter.

"Thanks Derp!" I waved goodbye as she ran bumping into the fence then the tree. And fell into a lake. "May Notch help that girl." Brice said. "Jason wants us to meet at the HQ. Something urgent!" I told him.

"Riot. I want you to guard Ty. Don't let ANYONE in. Except TC, the generals, or the mail lady." I instructed Riot as he does the 'yes sir' thing with his claw.

"Let's go Sky!" Brice said running out the door.

~Time Travel~

We finally arrived at the HQ seeing Mitch, Ian, Mudkip, and Jerome waiting for us. "Hey dood!" Jerome yelled waving. "Hey guys!" I called back.

"What have guys been up to?" Brice asked them. "Well me and Mitch have been winning the hunger deens. Plus getting Betty." Jerome explained. "I didn't see any squid siteings ever since..." Mudkip stops talking and we all stand in silence.

"Guys. We have two new recruits joining." Jason pops his head from the door. "This is Tea." He opens the door revealing a girl wearing a biker like outfit with glasses. Her hair was blackish brownish with light green highlights. It was also medium short. "Hi guys." She smiled and waves.

"Hi Tea." We replied waving back. "And this is Rookie." Jason said revealing her. Her hair was medium long. It was light black hair with light blue highlights. She had on a blue and white hoodie similar to Mitch's.

"Hi." She waved. "Hi Rookie." The guys replied back. I noticed that she was blushing a little. Also Mitch as well. "Wait. Aren't you the one that broke into our house?" I curiously asked.

"Yes I am. I was climbing the same mountain your friend was. Then I saw him shivering and sneezing. I knew he would get a cold or something. So I got Tea to make a brew to help him get better." Rookie explained.

"Tea, Rookie. You'll be living here in the HQ for now until you can make a proper base out in the wild." Jason told them. They both nodded and started to walk back inside. "Well you guys. Guess we'll be on our way back home." I said. "Yeah I guess I'll see you later." Ian replied.

We all left just like that back to our homes.


We followed Jason down the hall of the HQ. "Here we are." Jason said. "Here's your key. If you need or have a question. Go to room 291." He waved and flies away.

"Well lets go in!" Tea squeals opening the door. It was so colorful. Two beds on both the left and right side of the room. "Do you think I can find love?" I asked Tea. "Of course! Why do you ask?"

"Well..." I blushed a little twirling a piece of my hair. "Oooo... Rookie got a crush!" She teased making me blush more. "Stop it. I won't tell you." "Ok fine. Do tell who it is?" She asked sitting on the blue rug. "It's probably the red and black hoodie kid."

"MITCH?!" She shouts. "Shhhh!" I covered her mouth. "We don't want anyone to hear." I told her. "Well I'm gonna hit the hay. Good night!" She yawns sleeping on her bed.

I sneaked out of the room and into the cafeteria. "Hey dood!" Someone called me. I turned to see Mitch. "Hey. I thought you left to your place?" "I forgot to give Jason his shovel."

We both stared at each other awkwardly. "So... do you and your friend want to go play spleef tomorrow?" He asked me. "Uh... sure!" I jumped in excitement and hugged him. "Uh..." Mitch lets go blushing. "I... better go." He said stepping backwards bumping into the chair.

I giggled and got me a bucket of milk and headed to bed.

On the first chapter one, Rookie gave to all of you. A little sickened Ty. Hey guys Rookie and Tea here.


Tea: Uhhh, I guess??


Tea: Dude! Calm down! You're going to scare the sheep!!

Rookie: *calms down* I'm good. Tea. You may want to take the wheel. I'm gonna faint... *faints*

Tea: Well that was the plan.... Have a nice nap, I'll wake you up when it's your turn again. *Yanks pen out of her hand.*

Stalk these people :

Stay tune for Ch.2!

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