Sub's Return

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R/N: WARNING; The following will be heartbroken and sad. Prepare your butts for tears.

Sub's POV:

I followed Herobrine into a small but hidden cave. He grabbed a torch and we walked down until I bumped into something hard. I then see purple spectacles floating.

"Follow me." He instructed entering into the portal. I followed behind as we were in the Nether. My dream finally came true to see life from the below. "Sub. I have a excellent plan to stop Team Crafted and the recruits." He starts off.

"I'll give you half of my powers to capture the souls of friendship and happiness. TC has the strongest amount of energy so try and capture one of their energy until they are gray,black, and/or white. While I handle the recruits." He explained sitting on his nether brick throne.

"Why do you need me?" I asked him. "You see, I can't last long on the surface. Otherwise I will be forced back here for another 16 years. Sub, do we have a deal?" He asked me extending his hand and smirking. I hesitated but quickly smirked back and shaked his hand.

"Excellent Sub." He said releasing my hand. "Yomi doge waka laka trikos pratar hofie sacara!" He chants giving me a bolt of lightning through me. I feel the blood of bolts rushing and changes. My eyes were glowing white and green like Herobrine's.

I have the power of Herobrine. For now on, call me Subrine! We cackled our evil laughs and head straight back Minecraftia.

Jason's POV:

I went to go check on Rookie and Tea. I forgot to give themto there badge. But as I was near their door, I hear them yelling. "I'm gonna go punch some wood!" Tea yelled marching out of the room. "I just see Rookie pouting sitting on her bed.

"Uhhhh... I'll see you later." I said as I exit the door. "Jason wait. Come back in." Rookie said as I entered back inside. "Rookie I was going to give you guys your badge for being a recruit.

"Thanks. Jason I gotta go find Tea and brag that I'm awesome at Spleef and give her badge. PEACE!" She ran off to find Tea.

I flew out back outside cause I was on night patrol duty. When suddenly I hear rustling noises. A pig just walked out of the bushes walking towards me. I grabbed the pig nuzzling its snout.

"Well look who it is? Jason." The pig spoke and changed form. It grabbed me really tight in its grip. "Let me go!" I yelled at him or her. I then see green and white eyes glowing and green shirt. "Sub!?" I exclaimed. "Why do you do this?!"

"Jason don't worry about it. After all you always keep your promise." He smirked and touches my forehead of my helmet. "Must... keep...fighting...for...Brine!" I said as he lets go of me.

Tea's POV(During the time when she storms out to punch wood. Tea this is for you):

Ugh! I couldn't believe her. "Oh Mitch, lets team. Oh Mitch, thanks. Blah blah blah!" I complained punching the oak tree really hard. "OW!!!" I screamed holding my fist.

"Tea!" I heard someone calling my name. "Rookie. What are you doing here?" I asked her. "You see, I want to apologize about our argument between us." "It's okay I forgive you." I hugged her.

"Second, Jason wants to give you this." She gave me a gold badge. "What is this gold thing?" I asked her. She looked at me crazy. "Its BUDDER! Its a budder badge for being a recruit. We have to wear it when we enter the HQ and if were going to another HQ or base." She explained.

Suddenly there was shouting and screaming. "Tea. Let's see what's going on." Rookie said as we ran through the forest. Once we arrived at the noise, I could see Jason and another guy holding him.

"Jason don't worry about it. After all you always keep your promise." He smirked and touches his helmet. "Must... keep...fighting...for...Brine!" He said as he lets go of him.

"Jason..." Rookie whispered softly. He turned a grayish color that was so boring. This Subrine figure seemed to think for a minute. "Jason, tell me something that Deadlox did was embarrassing." He ordered him.

"I once caught Deadlox singing Justin Beiber 'Baby'. He then slipped out of the shower and face plant on the slippery floor." He explains.

Rookie was about to explode into laughter when 'Subrine' takes Jason away. "Rookie. We have to warn Sky and the others." I whispered and grabbed her arm. We ran a far enough distance until Rookie started laughing.

"Oh my Notch. That was too funny!" She busted laughing. "The only problem is who is Deadlox and who is Subrine?" I questioned myself looking through the forest.

Hey guys Rookie and Tea here! For Ch.4 I Rookie will do it. I can try and get it done by midnight! So look for that. And now to Rookie and Tea's Shorts!

Rookie: In the tree, part of the tree.

Tea: uh, Rookie? What are you saying??

Rookie: It means were part of nature itself.

Tea: ... Are you on drugs??

Rookie: Chant with me.

Tea: Alright.

Both: In the tree, part of the tree.

????: In the tree, part of the tree.

Tea: ... Did we summon a spirit or something?! What in holy nether was that?!

Rookie: I don't know. But RUN!!! *Screams*


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