Story Introduction

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One by one, Tyler saw all his brothers go from the bachelor life to family men. He loved his new sisters-in-law deeply and loved being Uncle Tyler, but there was no way he was planning on settling down anytime soon. He was certainly the biggest flirt in the state of North Dakota, but maybe not the player that everybody assumes that he is. One thing is for sure, Tyler’s flirting is no match for a strong-willed redhead with something to prove.

Charlie was used to everybody second-guessing her and not seeing her as the boss that she was. That’s why when she was given the chance to move away from home to take on one of the biggest projects in her career, she jumped on it without a second thought. This was her chance to show everybody that she wasn’t a helpless little girl anymore. What she didn’t expect was to fall for a really handsome, albeit slightly immature, man who wanted to give her everything and then some.

Rebuilding Valley View is book #4 in the Valley View series following the Brown Brothers. Each story can be read independently, but there will be some spoilers if you read them out of order. I strongly suggest that you begin with Welcome to Valley View, then Match Made in Valley, and finally New Start in Valley View before beginning this book.

Names of towns, people, places, etc. are completely made up. If they happen to be real it is based mostly on coincidence. Please do not get caught up with things not being realistic within the story and enjoy reading. Be sure to follow me on Instagram for updates on my writing: jsmith_writes

Thank you!

J. Smith

Rebuilding Valley View (Valley View Book #4) Where stories live. Discover now