Chapter 10

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It is almost 8 on the night of the Fourth of July and I’m pacing my apartment in my red, white, and blue trying to decide if I have the guts to drive over to the Brown Ranch and attend this party. On one hand, it is just a party, no big deal. But on the other hand, the party is being hosted by his parents and this entire family is going to be there. Which means I meet his parents. And his brothers. 

After another ten minutes of going back and forth, I say “fuck it” and grab my keys, getting into my car as quickly as I can before I change my mind. It takes a bit longer to get there because of the detours of my construction site. I have to laugh a little, I’m not sure I’ve ever had to deal with my own worksites before.

The ranch is huge and beautiful. I’ve been able to see a lot of it based on where we’re working, but following Tyler’s sketchy map, I pass this beautiful house, a barn, what looks like maybe another small house. The map takes me up a very worn-down road that is bumpy. Now I’m just worried about my car making it.

I finally pull over a ridge and see a shit ton of people, fire pits, tiki torches, grills, and trucks. I pull up next to them and right away I see Tyler approaching me with quick strides. “Hey, you,” I wave in his direction.

“You’re here.”

“Yep. Surprise!”

“It is a big surprise. You look great, by the way.”

“Thanks, I tried to be festive.”

“It worked.”

Tyler and I walk over to where a bunch of people are sitting in a circle around one of the fires. My fingers keep brushing his and I’m so tempted to grab it and hold on, but I’m nervous as hell. Finally, we get to the large circle of people, they’re all staring at us. Shit, this was a mistake.

“So hey, um, this is my friend Charlie. She didn’t have any plans so I told her she could stop by. I hope you don’t mind, Mama.”

An older woman gets up out of her chair and walks over to us. I put my hand out to shake her hand and she gives me a big smile and shakes back. “Hello Charlie, welcome to our ranch. Make yourself at home.”

“Thank you, ma’am.”

“No ma’ams here, Betsy or Mama only.”

I give her a nervous smile and then look over at the rest of the people sitting around. “Oh wow, there are a lot of people here.”

“Yeah, most of the people here work on my dad’s ranch, but I told you my family was big.” Tyler is obviously nervous too, but he introduces everybody to me. I must look like a crazy lady right now. I’m trying to remember all their names and relationships, but there are so many adults and kids here. I notice that one of the guys gets up and looks over at me.

“Hey, Charlie, why don’t you sit here? I’m sure Tyler will get you a beer and you can hang out with the gals.”

I look back at Tyler and he nods his head. “Thanks, umm...sorry what was your name again?”


“Right. Thanks, Bobby.”

I sit down next to Bobby’s wife, I think Taryn was her name. Another one of the wives looks over at me and smiles. “Just breathe, it isn’t as bad as it seems.”

“I don’t know what I was thinking. He said big family, “

“Just stick around, Charlie. The fun has just gotten started.”

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