Chapter 34

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“How are we looking boss?” My second-hand man Chris was standing there with a clipboard and a pen ready for the final walk-through of the project site.

“Hey, Chris. All we need to do is do our final check and we are done. “

“Do we do a happy dance now or later?”

I laugh and put my hand on his shoulder, “Let’s do it later. With my luck, something will go wrong if I celebrate too much.”

“You have to feel good though, right?”

I look down the street and an immense feeling of pride flows through my body. “I do. And thanks, Chris. I couldn’t have asked for a better foreman than you!”

“Nah you’re a great boss. You really deserve this promotion that you’re going to get after this job.”

“Don’t jinx me!”

Chris shakes his head, “Nah it is yours, trust me. I had a conversation with Carson and Harold before I came back out here.”

“Oh yeah? What about?”

“They wanted to know how you handled yourself and I said one of the best damn project managers I’ve worked with. They are both impressed with your work and the timeline you did it by. There is no question that promotion is waiting for you when you get back.”

“Thanks, Chris. I hope that we can do some future projects together. This has been great, dare I say even fun at times.”

“Well, let’s get this final walk-through done and get that truck out here to pick up the signs.”

“Sounds like a plan!”

Chris and I spend the next three hours going over every part of the project and then double-check all of the work with our plans. When we get to the end we take a long walk back and stand at the beginning of the site.

He hands me the clipboard with the finalized paperwork, “Alright, you ready to sign off boss?”

“I think so!” I take the official paperwork from the county and sign my name, signaling the completion of the job. I stand back and look at my worksite one last time before going into the trailer to call my boss and give him the good news. Chris has already called the company that will be doing the clean-up of the site.

By tomorrow morning there won’t even be a sign that we were here except for the upgraded road. I head to my car that is parked in the gravel and I take a look at the Brown Ranch. I see some of the ranch hands working with the cattle and I remember what the girls had said about Whiskey. I never did get to ride Tyler’s horse. I laugh under my breath a little thinking about that thought I just had. I sure did ride Tyler’s horse a lot, but not enough. I’m not sure it could ever be enough.

I pull into my apartment and see that Tyler’s truck is there. I get super happy and almost find myself running up to my apartment to get to him. I open the door and he is standing at the top of the stairs with another beautiful flower arrangement and a bright smile.

“Hey, beautiful.”

“Hey! This is quite a surprise. What are you doing here?”

“I heard that we’re celebrating.”

“Oh yeah?” He pulls me in for a kiss. I wrap my arms around his neck, not wanting these moments to end. I unlock the door and we both head into my apartment. Tyler frowns when he sees the boxes that are leaning up against the wall.

“Are you going to start packing?”

I shrug my shoulders, “Eventually.”

“Well if you need any help.”

Rebuilding Valley View (Valley View Book #4) Where stories live. Discover now