Chapter 11

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Nothing about the Fourth of July went as planned. I was almost to the point that I regretted going, but then I decided to throw all caution to the wind and take what I wanted. What I didn’t expect? That bomb drop by Tyler that he was, well, not experienced. It isn’t something that bothered me, I was just shocked. I mean, the guy drips sex and rugged handsomeness. I guess that idea of him being a player went totally out the window.

He was also super flirty. I guess I shouldn’t equate flirting to having sex, but we weren’t teenagers either. I was a bit surprised when he told me that he was actually considering going that far with me. Sure we had been casually seeing each other, but wanting to lose the v-card would be a totally different level.

We still did our normal Friday night get-together this week. There was definitely a different vibe that time around. We didn’t go all the way, but we had a teenage-style make-out session that got pretty hot and heavy. There was a lot of touching and moaning. Things probably could have gone further if either of us took that giant leap, but we stuck to just kissing.

Tyler invited me to his parent’s house for dinner today and even though I just met everybody a few days ago, I’m still pretty nervous about seeing them in a more formal setting. Tyler insisted that everybody would be on their best behavior. I’m still getting ready when Tyler knocks on the door. I run to answer the door with only half a face of makeup done and my hair still in a messy bun.

“Shit, you’re early,” I leave the door open and don’t bother to formally invite him in.

“Um, I said I’d be here at four, it is four.”

I glance at the clock on the microwave, “Shit, I’m late. I’m sorry I totally lost track of time. Take a seat, I’ll be done soon, I swear.”

Tyler slips his fingers under my chin and tilts my head up so I’m looking at him. “Don’t be nervous, I swear everything is going to be just fine.”

“Yeah, I’m sure. I know. “

He leans down and gives me a sweet kiss that turns into something a little bigger. He pulls me into his body by his waist and our tongues slide in motion together. Tyler slowly pulls away and I let out a small whimper. “You need to get ready, Charlie.”

“I know, but...but…”

“Go.” He turns me around and sends me back into the bathroom with a smack on the ass.

I picked a red and yellow sundress to wear. I don’t think the red clashes with my red hair too much. Of course, I doubt anybody there would care, but I’m an overthinker. I finish my makeup and let my hair fall in its natural state of waviness. Back in the living room, Tyler is sitting on the couch waiting for me. He jumps up when I walk out and smiles, swinging his keys around his finger.


I motion down at my clothes, “How do I look?”



“What? “

“Come on, Tyler. “

“I don’t know what you want me to say, Charlie. We’re going to my parent’s for dinner. Nobody is going to be judging you on what you are wearing.”

“You’re frustrating,” I groan. I hear him chuckling at me, but I try to ignore it. I grab my light denim jacket and walk out the door with Tyler quickly walking after me.

“Aren’t you going to lock your door, Charlie?”

“Ugh.” I walk back up the stairs and lock my apartment quickly and as I turn around Tyler grabs my hand and forces me to walk down the stairs with him. On the drive to the ranch, we talk about his brothers and their wives so that I can feel a bit more comfortable.

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