Chapter 37

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Betsy gently holds my hair above my head as Taryn and Tiff attempt to direct me into my big poofy dress. After a wrong turn into one of the sleeves, we finally get the dress fully on and slide it down my body. Taryn buttons up the numerous buttons on my dress and after the last one, Betsy drops my cascading curls down over my dress.

Almost one year to the date of my decision to stay in Valley View, I’m standing in the back of the Lutheran Church in Waldorf waiting to be married to the man of my dreams. Les was right when she said this church was beautiful and Tyler wanted to get married here since Betsy and Raymond did.

The last year has had way more ups than downs. Although I came back to Valley View jobless, Harold gave my contact information to one of the local companies that we had worked with during the project as well as a glowing recommendation for work. I don’t work full time, but every couple of months I’ll take on a new, short-term, project around the area. The pay is decent, enough to cover most of my bills. When I’m not working on one of those projects, I pick up shifts here and there at Rickie’s Diner. I don’t need those paychecks, I just like the atmosphere.

Tyler happily moved into the apartment above the flower shop with me. He was ready to give up his bachelor pad and my apartment was nicer and more updated anyway. It has its benefits, every few days he picks up flowers on his way home to surprise me. I love that he can be a romantic at times, but he also has a dirty side that comes out in the bedroom and makes things fun.

I wish that I had better news about my relationship with Dean. After leaving his house that day I went six months before speaking to him again. When I finally did, not much in his attitude had changed. Quinn has come to visit us twice. I wouldn’t say that he is friends with Tyler or anything, but they at least get along. Quinn is here today for the wedding. Dean, well that is another story. I sent the invite and I followed up with Les, but she said they would regretfully not be able to attend. My feelings were hurt and I had a few good cries, but I wouldn’t let him ruin this day for me.

Taryn, Tiff, and Holly are standing up with me today as my bridesmaids. I’ve never had female friends that I was this close with before. I also asked Annabelle to be a junior bridesmaid because I thought she was too old to be a flower girl, but I still wanted her involved.

All of the kids were going to be part of our wedding day as well. They’ve all grown on me this entire year and there was no way I could leave a single one out. Abe, Mason, and Grayson are in the other room with their dads getting ready and Annabelle and Sadie are with us gals.

“Are you ready to see yourself, Char?” Betsy says with happy tears in her eyes.

“I think so. Maybe?”

Tiff laugs, “You seem a little unsure.”

“I’m nervous. But excited. Oh god, I’m going to be sick.”

The woman al laugh and Betsy places her hand on my shoulder, “Sounds about right! I think that means you’re ready.”

“Wait! Not yet!” Tiff goes into the garment bag and grabs the flower crown that I selected instead of a veil and slides it on the way that the hairstylist showed her this morning. “Okay, now you’re ready to look.”

We walk into the bathroom of the dressing room that has a full-length mirror and they turn me around to look at myself. “Wow.”

“Good wow?” Holly asks while fussing with the back of the gown.

“I look fucking hot.”

The woman laugh and Betsy looks at me through the mirror. “You look beautiful. Charlie. I have the most beautiful daughters-in-law, I swear. Tyler is going to be speechless when he sees you.”

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