Chapter 19

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The month of September went my way personally, but so much professionally. We ran into a bunch of tiny errors and before you knew it, we were a week behind schedule. The only saving grace I have at this point is that although the temps have dropped dramatically, there is no snow expected. I had mentioned at dinner last Sunday how this week was going to be extra stressful and the girls declared today Girl’s Day to spend the night without kids and guys and just releasing all the stress.

Taryn agreed we should meet over at her place since she has no kids yet that would be displaced. Bobby is going to spend the night at the ranch so we can have a little sleepover. Tyler pouted when I told him, but he’s a big boy, he’ll get over it. I haven’t been to Taryn’s house before, but she and Bobby live right down the highway from Raymond and Betsy. I clench my fists as I drive past my worksite, still annoyed at everything that has gone wrong.

I pull into the long driveway and see that Tiff and Holly are already there. I grab my overnight bag and some of the snacks and drinks I bought and head up to the front door. I barely even lift my hand up to knock and Taryn flings open the door and pulls me into the house. Since the first time we’ve met, her tummy has probably doubled, if not tripled in size. She looks so beautiful though.

“Yay, you’re finally here!”

“I thought I was going to be early, but I guess I’m the last one, huh?”

“Not the last one. Candy and her girlfriend Sheila, plus Holly’s friend Stacey are on their way as well.”

“Oh wow, a full house. I can’t wait!”

“You’ve met Candy, right?”

I laugh, thinking back to the first time I met her at the diner. “Yes, I thought she was flirting with Tyler, it was awkward.”

“She has that effect on women when they don’t realize she’s really just being friendly, not trying to steal their guys.”

I follow Taryn into the kitchen where Tiff is standing in front of a variety of drink options, “What are you drinking, Charlie? We’ve got beer, wine, soda, water.”

Taryn holds up her big glass of water and makes an angry face.

“Soon, Taryn, soon!” Holly says as she rubs Taryn’s stomach.

“When are you due?”

Her angry face turns into a huge smile as she rubs her belly, “December 20th.”

“That’s right, Tyler has mentioned it was the week before Christmas.”

We grab our drinks and head into the living room. It is very modern with a country touch, matches Taryn just perfectly. I sit on the reclining chair and Tiff sits on the other one. Holly and Taryn sit next to each other on the couch.

“So when are Mason and Sadie’s birthdays? I know Annabelle’s is in November because she tells me all the time. And then Grayson’s is coming up.”

“Sadie’s birthday is in April and Mason’s is in May.”

“Oh that’s cute, so each sibling has a birthday close to the other one. Did you all plan that?”

Holly answers first, “Not even close. I was on birth control when I got pregnant, definitely not trying to get pregnant. Grayson was really early though, if he came on time they’d be even closer.”

“What about yours, Tiff?”

She shakes her head, “Sadie and Mason are actually both adopted and have different birth parents, so no planning there.”

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