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“Ty, I can’t do this anymore.”

Tyler presses a cold cloth against my forehead once again and gives me a kiss on the top of my head. “Yeah you can baby, you’re so close.”

My midwife rubs my ankle and gives me words of reassurance. “Char, the head is already out, you did the hardest part. The next contraction we’re going to do just a little push and get this baby out, okay?”

Getting pregnant right away was a shock to both Tyler and me. One of the conversations we had while we were planning our wedding was about starting a family. I may have once been on the fence about wanting kids or not, but being surrounded by the love of the Brown Family, I knew I wanted that too. I made an appointment with my OBGYN and she said to stop birth control about a month before we wanted to try so my body could readjust. Neither of us thought we’d get pregnant that quickly.

I was happy that Tyler wasn’t disappointed though. We had so many plans for our first years of marriage, I was worried he might be regretting trying for a baby right away. All those concerns went out the window the second his big mouth couldn’t keep the secret even for that night. He was so attentive my entire pregnancy. He was going to be the most amazing father.

We didn’t find out the sex of the baby, Taryn and Bobby seemed to love the surprise that Abe gave them and we decided to wait as well. We both think it is a boy, but we’re outvoted with others thinking it is going to be a girl.

Speaking of Taryn, three weeks after our wedding, Taryn found out that she was pregnant again. I loved going through this pregnancy with her and I took a lot of her advice since this was her second. The only thing that we differed on was getting an epidural, a choice that I may be regretting right now. I did a lot of research and wanted to do a homebirth, more specifically a water birth with a midwife.

Tyler was nervous about not using a traditional doctor, so we agreed to give birth at the hospital under the watch of the doctor, but they had a huge birthing tub and it was the best of both worlds.

“It’s coming, it’s coming!” I yell, grabbing Tyler’s hand and squeezing as the next contraction builds up.

“I think that’s how we got into this problem, to begin with,” Tyler quips. I try to laugh, but the contraction hits hard. I grab onto his hand even tighter and he holds my left leg up just like the midwife showed him earlier. A nurse is holding up my other leg and I notice the smirk on her face after his dumb ass joke. Leave it up to Tyler to always be lightening the mood.

“There we go, Charlie,” the midwife says. “You’ve got this, the head is coming out now. Look down Mom and Dad, see your sweet little baby!”

I glance down and see the baby slide out and up into the pool and midwife’s arms. The nurse drops a towel on my bare stomach and the newborn gets placed right onto my chest. The baby is screaming, showing off their perfect set of lungs.

“Congrats, Mom and Dad,” the midwife says as she does a small examination on the baby.

“What is it?”

“Why don’t you share the good news, Dad?”

Tyler turns the baby around and he gets a huge grin on his face. “It’s a boy Char! It’s a screaming, hollering, cute baby boy.” Tyler wraps his arms around me and the baby and I hear him hold back a bit of a sob. “You did amazing, Char. I’m so fucking proud of you.”

“You were good too, Ty. Daddy,” I grin up at him.

“That’s going to take some getting used to.”

The nurse places another warm towel over my chest and the baby, giving his blonde fuzz a little rubbing to clean it off. “Hey Mom and Dad, do we have a name for this little guy?”

“Liam Jacob Brown,” I reply with a big smile on my face. Tyler beams with pride right beside me. We made an agreement that he could pick the boy’s name and I would pick the girl’s name. The moment he asked me about the name Liam, I loved it. Seeing our little boy, I know that the name fits him perfectly. That just means that I get to keep the girl name in my pocket as a potential for next time. Not that I’m already thinking about another baby when I’ve barely pushed this one out.

The nurse smiles and gives us both a squeeze on our shoulders, “Great choice, handsome name for a handsome boy. I’m going to give you three a few minutes to bond and then we’ll get you back into a bed, Charlie, and work on breastfeeding and snuggling this precious boy.”

“That sounds perfect, thank you.”

Every choice that led me to this moment was difficult and put me out of my comfort zone, but had I not taken those leaps, I never would have found myself here with the love of my life and our new little boy. Love sometimes falls right into your lap, you just have to be willing to chase it.


Thank you for taking this adventure through Valley View with me. When I wrote this series on Taptales two years ago, I didn’t think that it would bring me such a following. Revisiting the story and getting the chance to update it to Wattpad has been a lot of fun.

Please leave a final comment before you go and don’t forget to check out my other stories. You can also follow me on Instagram to see what I’m up to! jsmith_writes.

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