Part 24

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Once again sorry for such a long wait for an update. It's been crazy and hope that this COVID times people are staying safe. 


Amy and Rosa sat quietly hoping that they could do more than just be stuck there and be so helpless. They had to keep these people safe but at the same time they weren't sure what they could do to make sure that they could get everyone out of here in one piece. 

"So what's the plan... sit here like idiots? I mean we are the cops and we can't just wait for someone to come inside and rescue us. I'm not like you," snapped Rosa.

"We all know that Rosa, don't need to be mean about that." I have a plan but don't think that would work."

"Why, I'm happy to try any annoying plan of yours."

"Well, it would require us to keep them all talking and one of us to try and get past the judge into his chamber so we can go and get some help," explained Amy.

"Yeah, you're right. That is an idiot and silly idea." 

"I never said idiot or silly," said Amy hurt. 

"Well, seems like that may be our only option right now. So what exactly is your  plan? How can we get the to focus on this side for one of us to make it there?"

"That's where I'm a little stuck. I mean whatever we do needs to be so big that they have to put their guards down enough for one of us," thought Amy as so looked around the room to find any inspiration. 


"Ok so we have been trying to get some eyes in that building and we just may have found a way. We have a all the exits surrounded that if needed we can enter the building. We can go in but we can't get through the courts as they are locked and we don't know if there would be an explosive were too. I mean we have to be completely sure of what we are dealing with," explained the Vulture. 

Jake didn't know how much he trust this guy as he had always been against him and the team. Could he really stand here and believe that he was willing to help them especially when he knew how important this all was for him?

"Can you for a second stop having your mental thought session and listen to me? Do you have any questions or suggestions as to how we can get everyone out of there?" snapped Vulture.

"Sorry, no I don't. Wait... what would John McClain do in this situation?" 

"He would be the hero and break through the door to save the woman he loves," chimed in Boyle.

"Get me a full body suite and let me at in for the door," jumped up Jake.

"What an idiotic idea. As much as I would love to see you ding dong gets blown up or something, you still are under my command and protection. Can't let you do anything stupid like that," filled in Vulture. 

Both Boyle and Jake exchanged a little disappointed looked with each other. "You could have definitely taken it down and look cool doing that," whispered Boyle. 

"We have some movement inside," called an officer who was holding the mics trying to get some sort of sound or vision inside the place. 

"Is it bad or good movement?"

"Don't have a clear indication as its all muffled. But we can sort of hear them talking and someone moving around. It's so hard, but we have some agents trying to break and make their way inside. We can try from the back."

Jake kept pacing as he tried to think of something to do. He couldn't just stand here and wait for something. 

"Boyle, I can't do this. I can't wait around and hope that we get some advantage over this. I need to try and get inside," he whispered pulling Boyle away from Vulture. 

"I know Jakey, your love of your life is inside and you can't stand here."

"Focus Charles. Help me"

"Well, I can try and get you one of those SWAT suits. It's got the whole body suit and Vulture won't be able to see your face. You can try and break in," suggested Boyle. 

"That's brilliant. Just need..." but before he could even finish his thought, Charles had already started to make his attempt to get the body suit for him. 


"Miss goody-to-shoes, have you thought of what you are going to say or do to get their attention?" 

"Why me, I panic under pressure so much and you know I can't lie."

"Yeah I know but I'm the one who can sneak out of here without being noticed." 

"Ok, I just need to keep them all talking and their attention. You need to be super quick cause like I did with Jake's mum, I'll start singing the incy wincy spider," said Amy nervously. 

Rosa gave a weird look but didn't say anything but slipped down and tried to slide her way away from Amy. 

"So... so what exactly do you think you will get out of all this huh. I mean how do you plan to get out of here without being caught by the police. I mean we know who you are and what you do," started Amy. 

"What exactly are you doing?" Sophia jumped up. 

"Sophia drop the act. You still can't believe or want to be defending this guy or woman. He has us all stuck here on some stupid suicide mission."

Sophia and Amy both knowing the truth but still stood at the different ends of the pole. Was Sophia really going to stand their and defend this man who is holding them hostage? 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2021 ⏰

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