Part 15

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Jake pulled Boyle into the break room. He tried to struggle but Jake didn't care at that point. 

"Ok, you really need to spill what the hell is going on. I'm trying to talk to Amy about why she suddenly decided to break up with but I'm getting more and more confused. She won't answer my question," snapped Jake.

"Why are you asking me? Do you know how upset Im with your breakup?" questioned Boyle. "Wait, you want to know why Amy broke up with you... does that mean you want to get back together?" a smile spread across his face. 

"Well... I dont know what I want anymore. I'm so confused."

"Jakey, you need to follow your heart. We all know that Amy and you belong together but it can only be done if you want it to," advised Boyle. 

Jake looked at him confused. He was acting weird, even for him. He thought that even with everything at least Boyle would help him make sense of this all yet he was weirder than normal. 

"What is going on in this precinct... why are all so weird," Jake broke down as he turned and left. 

As soon as Jake left, Rosa walked in to find Boyle alone. 

"You didn't tell him anything did you?" she asked. 

"Do you have any idea how hard it was to lie to him?"

"Oh grow up. We did this for Amy. She really wants to just move past this and for that to happen, she needs Jake to move on. I can't believe that Jake lied to Amy about Sophia."

"I still think that we should organise for them to sit down and talk about this all," suggested Boyle. 

"Its too late for that. That ship has sailed and your friend shipwrecked everyone."

"Cold Rosa... cold."


"Heeeyyyy, Captain... What's happening?"

"Peralta, hope that you have more on the case."

"Can we just take a few seconds to just say hello. I thought we worked on that with you... you are not a robot remember."

"I really dont have time to be fooling around. If you dont have a lead than I can just give this case to someone else."

" we all know that I'm the best person for this job."

"Then why isn't there anything on my desk about this case. I heard about you and Amy but I still want my detectives to do their work."

"Wow... and here I thought we had come a long way from that cold robot."

Holt gave Jake an angry glare. "I dont have time for this as I we are already on a tight time limit thanks to your new girlfriend. If Philip gets out because we dont have enough on him to lock him... he is going to run and we will never be able to catch him. The drugs that he sells will still be on the streets."

"I know and Boyle and I are going to get this apartment that we found was under his daughters name," informed Jake. 

"But his daughter isn't even in Brooklyn. Isn't she in Africa for charity work."

"Thats the whole point. If her daughter isn't here than why is the Indian and Chinese food get delivered there regularly. And after research we found that it hasn't been rented out either."

"Good job, maybe this will help us at least get something on him until we can prove that he is responsible for more than just illegal drug distribution."

Jake left Holt's office determined to solve this case. He really wanted to resolve things with Amy but at that point, he had to focus on work as Amy was in no mood to talk. He had to give her some space if he really wanted to get through to her.

"Boyle, we have to go full Die Hard on this case... No time for love," called Jake. 

"Wait what is going on?" 

"Keep up Charles, we going to focus on this case and the faster we can solve this case the faster I can get to resolving whatever is happening with Amy and I." 

Boyle smiled at this and quickly followed Jake out the door. 

"So have we actually gotten any leads as to where we should be looking. I have kind of been preoccupied and haven't really looked at the case," whispered Jake. 

"Don't worry I have been on top of this case for the both of us. I have a name and an address as to where we may be able to get some evidence to put Philip at the scene of the crime." 

"Something doesn't sound right about that. Why would someone that careful be so clumsy to let us lead to that place?" 

"Well at the moment that is all we got." 

"What else do we know about its victim?" 

"He has been living in Brooklyn for over 4 years. He moved from Texas and there hasn't been any criminal records not even a parking ticket against his name. He is clean."

"No one can be that clean... Even I have had a parking ticket."

"Unless we are missing somethings, he seems like someone who was killed and made to look like a smuggler, wrong place at the wrong time situation."

"I'll be the judge of that."

Even though Jake was running the whole case in his mind and trying his hardest to keep Amy out of his mind, it wasn't working. He couldn't stop thinking about her.

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