Part 21

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First of all, Sorry to my wonderful readers for making you all wait this long for an update. Second of all hope we are all safe during this horrible COVID 19 situation. Here is something to get maybe through or at least entertain you during the isolation. Hope you enjoy and again a little warning... since it has been a while since the last update, maybe some parts will be repeating or slightly different.


Amy and Rosa sat at their side in the court room as Sophia did her thing. In her mind, Amy kept re-running the whole situation. Was she doing the right thing or should she just talk to Jake and tell him that she was wrong and that she wants to be with him. But if she did that would that be fair on Jake and Sophia. She never wanted to be the person to break up 2 people who loved each other. 

"Amy... Amy are you ok?" came the voice of Rosa. 

"Huh... yeah." 

"Well we have 15 minutes recess."

"What happened?"

"Wait, were you not paying attention to anything?" 

Amy shook her head. She hated this as much as anyone. She had too much on her mind and she couldn't get it cleared to focus on her work. She needed to put this whole Jake and Sophia thing aside and pay attention to her job.

"I'm sorry but I promise I'll get my head in the game."

"Nah its ok. Nothing much happened. Sophia was trying to get our chargers thrown out while Lillian didn't really want to be here and she kept saying she knows nothing. We really need to get something else on her."

"Wait, what about the records on her account. I mean she doesn't really earn that much money while working at a cafe. How can she afford to have 2 accounts under her name then?"

"I already got Charles on it but unless we can get the bank to hand us some details as to the account and what not we can't bring it up. If they know that we know, they can try and shut it all down."

"All I wanted was to get to the bottom of this all and get some dangerous drugs off the street and Sophia had to come in again..." Amy trailed off as saw the expression on Rosa's face. "No, we won't give up now and I'll once again try and get in contact with on of my informants to see if they can testify." 

"That's a bold move. That will be risking their lives and if things go south..."

"I know but have to try. Besides we can protect them and give them a fresh start that they need."

"Amy, make sure you make this decision because its right and not because you want to beat Sophia."

Amy watched as Rosa left. She thought about it and Rosa was right. She couldn't do anything that would put someones life at risk. 


"Jake... Jake... Guess what?" said Boyle. 


"I just got off the phone with the bank. I managed to get them to help us out but that needs to be a little under the table sort of thing."

"Please tell me that its not something illegal. This needs to go down as by the book as it can."

"No... I mean its someone who works at the bank wink wink who has agreed to help us with the case. Its nothing against the client bank thing," smiled Boyle. 

"That's great news. We can now finally put Lillian and Philip at that bank."

"Yeah, we just need to go and check it out and safely take our witness to court."

"Philips team would be careful to keep an eye out for us and what we do since we have both of them connected. We have to be like ninja's."

Jake and Boyle both quietly sneaked out of the precinct. Terry got a glimpse of them but ignored them.

"I should say something about that but I feel like its better if I don't know what they are up to," said Terry little confused. 

"Yo Ter-bear... yeah I don't care," Gina said sarcastically. 

Boyle stopped in front of the bank and waited. Jake gave him a confused look but waited for him to explain. 

When he didn't, "Hey Boyle... why are we waiting here and not going inside. You know that the hearing is today right? Amy and Rosa need us there with the witness ... like now."

"Yeah I know but I don't even know how we will recognise our guy. I mean we can't just walk in there and start asking for who will be our witness."

"Wait, so you didn't get any description or set any expectations of how we are to recognise this guy... before we made the trip?"

"No.. I got too excited that I forgot. But its ok, we will find a way," said Boyle trying to stay calm. 

"Charles..." but before he could finish, they backseat door opened and someone wearing a hood sat down. 

"Drive before someone sees me talking to you cops," they said in a whisper. "I will come with you and answer any questions but I need to get out of here and in safe custody. Philip and Lillian don't like snitch."


"Rosa, the recess is over and Jake and Charles still haven't arrived with their witness. We need to stall until they get here. If the judge announces his decision, we will loose this case."

"Yeah I know. I've been trying to get in touch with Boyle but don't seem to get any reception. That is weird, I have like full coverage and now nothing."

"Mine too."

"Hey, is it me or something doesn't seem right?" asked Rosa looking around. 

"What just because we don't have cell service... or you mean how the courtroom has more people than we have before recess... yeah I notice that too," whispered Amy. 

"Why would that many people show up suddenly for the hearing. I mean this was a very low key hearing. Something doesn't add up."

Amy and Rosa quietly sat down still keeping an eye around the courtroom. Something wasn't right. Amy checked her phone again and still had no luck with the cell signal. Was this her imagination or was something wrong.  

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