Part 7

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Jake stood outside Amy's door unable to bring himself to actually knock. He hated lying and keeping things from her. He cared about her and she was so special to him yet he wasn't sure how he felt about Sophia either. Was he actually thinking about giving her a second chance?

"Are you just going to stand there or will you actually knock?" came the familiar voice of Amy.

He turned around startled and gave her his usual goofy smile. He wasn't expecting her to be out.

"Heeyyy... I thought we were home. I missed you by the time I got back," said Jake coming closer to give her a kiss.

Amy however, stepped back slightly. Jake noticed this and he knew that she was still upset about something. She walked past him and opened the door. She paused and made way for him to come in.

"Amy... what's on your mind? I hate that you have become so distant from me."

Amy didn't say anything. She wanted to confront him about Sophia there and then. But on the other hand she didn't want to sound like an over baring girlfriend who didn't trust his boyfriend.

"Nothing, but do you care about me?" she asked. She didn't make eye contact or even turn to look at him or his expression at this.

He paused and there was silence. She didn't know why this was and panic rose inside her. Was her fear coming true? Was he really not interested in her anymore?

She was surprised when a pair of hands grabbed her around her waist and gave her a tight hug.

"Amy, it that what has been bothering you all this time? It is random and I don't know what has brought on this idea but I'm here with you and that is where I'm happy. So yes, I care about you."

A smile spread across Amy's face. Hearing this made her feel better. However, deep down she still couldn't get out Sophia and the kiss. Was she just over thinking this all and was she being paranoid?

"Jake, I love you and I don't want to move or do anything that will ruin that we have but I will understand if there is anything that you want to share with me," whispered Amy.

"Amy, what has gotten into you? I know that I may not always show it but I do care. You are important to me... I love you too," said Jake.

He slowly turned her around and cupped his hands on her cheeks. Then slowly gave her a kiss.

She melted in that moment and she kissed him back. It felt good as his lips were warm and tasted of sweet lollies.

"How about we order in and watch a movie. You can choose the movie," suggested Jake.

"Okay... how about... mmm... 'Me before you' which I heard is really good," said Amy.

Jake a face but then hid this with a smile. He wasn't a huge fan of sad romantic movies but for Amy he would sit through that as well.

"I'm only joking. How about... Die Hard"

"No, it's your pick."

"Knowing that you will sit and watch that with me makes me happy enough," said Amy. "So let's watch Die Hard."


"Last night was great," Jake told Boyle. He was listening with great excitement.

"I don't know why and where she got the idea that there is something that I'm not telling her?" said Jake.

"Well, you haven't actually told her about Sophia have you," suggested Boyle.

For a while Jake had actually forgotten all about Sophia. He was so busy with Amy that he hadn't even thought about what Sophia had said. He still hadn't told either one about the other.

"Jake, you do plan on telling Sophia that you are now with Amy and that you actually are happy with her, right."

"I'm... It's just that every time I'm around her, I become that person that was with her. The one was so broken up when she dumped me," explained Jake.

"That is not good. Amy and you are meant to be and Sophia is like a test that you have to pass. Don't let her in Jakey. She broke your heart because she loved her job too much over you," supported Boyle.

"You're right. I can't let her in again. I have to tell her that I'm with Amy and that I'm actually happy."

Jake didn't know what to do. This was all too much for him. He loved to be goofy and make things into a joke. Dealing with feelings and talking about this all wasn't what he was good at. This was what Boyle and Terry was good at. He saw in the break room Amy talking to Roza. Was it her that he wanted to be with? Did he see himself with her or Sophia?

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