Part 23

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I am sorry for such a long wait. With schools suddenly starting again everything changing around, haven't had the chance to sit down and write. Now that it is school holidays, hope to write more and update regularly. 

"What is happening inside? Did we manage to make any communication with whoever is inside, who are the hostages and how many of them there are?" asked Jake as he paced around. 

"We have been trying to get in contact with someone in the inside but we can't get a hold. There seems to be a signal problem," informed one of the guys.

"They must be using cell jammer. Otherwise this place is crawling with police, someone would have called for backup already," said Boyle in a calm and rational voice. 

"Boyle, how can you be so calm in a time like this. We don't know if people from our team... and Sophia are inside. We are just sitting here unable to do anything."

"Jake I'm terrified but I can't loose my head while you are also stressing about the love of your life is or isn't inside. I have to be strong for the 2 of us."

Jake gave Boyle a small smile. That did make him feel better a little. Taking a breath he straightened up. They had to do whatever it took and no matter who was inside to solve this and get the hostages out safely... Besides this was something that he had always wanted to do. 

"Who are you two and why are you in my crime scene?" came a strong voice from behind them. 

They turned around and saw the one face they didn't want to see and that one person who would make their lives miserable. That voice sounded so familiar and every hair in the back of Jake's rose in disgust. 

"Vulture!!!" both Jake and Boyle said under their breaths. 

"Oh look at that... Dumb and dumber are in my crime scene."

"I know we have had many bad run in with each other which also included us always being on the wrong side of each other but I really need to be here," begged Jake. 

"I can't allow it especially since I had to go through so much thanks to you and your better half... and where would she be?"

"She's inside through that door... with Rosa and Sophia who I'm back together with. And something that I shouldn't have said."

"How is that a dumbass like you can get 2 hot chicks to be with you?"

"I don't have time to go through this all as all I need and want is for you to do whatever it takes to get this whole thing under control so people inside and the woman I love can get out."

Charles stopped and stared at Jake as he wasn't sure who he was talking about.

"Fine, I'll allow you to be around my scene but you can not make or do anything unless I tell you. This is my case so my rules."


"Rosa, I'm really starting to sweat through my very new and expensive suit. I mean I know how to handle myself and all but I've not been in a hostage situation before."

"Relax as long as they think they are in control the best. We just have to remain calm and not let them know that we ourselves are worried. Pretty sure them having us hostage at the courts was a dumb move since this place would be now surrounded by cops."

"I really hope that is true. We can't really get in contact with anyone and we have so many civilians to keep safe. Including Sophia."

Rosa and Amy turned to look at Sophia was nervously sitting with her hands pressed together. Amy for once after such a long time felt bad for her. She must be scared too as she wasn't used to trained to be in situtations like this. Even though she may be fighting to keep the bad guy out, she's still a human who is in just as much trouble as them. 

"I think I should go and talk to Sophia," Amy whispered to Rosa. "I mean I think I should."

"No, you are not going to do such thing. I mean yes, but I mean the chance of her coming out of this more safely is higher than us. I mean she is defending the bad guy here and I have a feeling that he won't let her go by harming her."

"Rosa, I don't care. She is still the girlfriend of our friend, you best friend and I have a feeling that us walking away isn't going to make Jake any happy. I may no longer be his girlfriend but I still care for him and his feelings. He loves Sophia and he has once lost her, you saw how depressed and weird he became." 

"Aahhh... why do you always have to so annoying," grunted Rosa.

"Annoying cause I'm right?" 

"Shut up. How do we get to her without being shot at. I mean right now we are safe where we are."

"I don't know but I hope whoever is outside is good enough to help us get out of here," wished Amy. 


"Vulture, you and we all know that we don't really like each other. But I'm begging you please lets just put aside our hatred to save those people, especially our friends and the woman I love," Jake again begged. 

"Oh that's just... pure BS. However, I'm going to help you here, not cause my boss is watching my every move."

Boyle and Jake looked a little confused but ignored his usual crazy rant. They had one thing in mind right now, Sophia, Rosa and Amy's safety. 

"Well, we know what they want but we can't give it to them as that would just make things worse. I mean if we let him go free, he will continue to distribute drugs on the streets but become more careful as to he doesn't get caught... and if don't let him go, he may and will hurt those people inside."

Jake knew that thinking like a boyfriend what he would do... but he also had to think about it as a cop as well. He had to put that before his feelings for the woman inside. 

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