Part 20

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"So what do you think it took for them to start working together?" asked Boyle. 

"Who you talking about?" asked Rosa.

"Lilian and Phil. I mean they not only were dating but working together. What if things didn't work out with them. Like Jake and Amy."

"Boyle, not everyone is like Jake and Amy. Besides its only a phase. I hope. Sophia won't last long... again," comforted Rosa. 

"I hope you are right because I cant deal with all this."

The elevator orders opened and Jake and Captain Holt walked out.

"Come on, you are saying that you have never in your life seen a guy pull off that stunt before?"

"No and why would I. It's a silly prank and a waste of time."

"He... hey whats going on here?" asked Boyle sliding into the conversation. 

"We just... yeah never mind," stopped Jake. "What's happening with the case?"

"Well, I was just asking Rosa how they could have started working together. I mean dating is one thing but then going into a business like drug dealing and all is another."

"And what were they going to do when they broke up. It wouldn't have been easy to just walk away," added Jake. 

He stopped when he saw Amy from the corner of his eyes. He knew that Amy had heard him and he felt bad. He didn't to say something that would make things weird between them 

"That's not what I meant..."

"Its ok Jake, I know what you meant. Walking away from drug dealing isn't going to be easy. They must have known that they were going to be together forever."

There was an awkward silence which only was broken by Terry.

"Why are you guys still here? I thought you were going to take Lilian to the courthouse," said Terry. 

"Yeah, I just had to get some paperwork. We are just leaving."


Amy pulled in the parking lot of the courthouse and took a deep breath. She kept telling herself that it was all going to be ok. 

"What are you doing?"

"What... I just was trying to relax. I don't want to lose this case."

"You mean you don't want to lose to Sophia?"

"Well... nnnoooo."

"Amy, I know you are stressing because its Sophia that is on the case. We have done this type of things many times and we have a solid lead. Then why are you stressing?" 

"I know but I can't help it. She just... there is something about her that makes me feel like she is perfect and I'm not. Maybe thats why Jake fell for her."

"OMG... Amy its his loss. You are an amazing person. Yeah boring and annoying at times but that just grows on you."

"Aawww... thats the nicest thing you have ever said to me."

"Yeah and don't ever repeat it or I'll hurt you... bad," snapped Rosa but a small smile spread across her face. 

Amy returned a smile back.

"Hey I know this must be a nice moment for you and all but I'm still here," interrupted Lilian. 

"Shut up, Lilian," snapped Rosa and Amy. 

"But she is right. We should go in."

Amy and Rosa escorted Lilian into the courthouse.  Amy kept an eye out for Sophia as she really didn't want to see her before the case. She didn't want to hear about her date with Jake or pretend like she was all ok with it. 

"Hey guys. I know that we shouldn't be really talking as we are on the opposite side but I just wanted to come and say hi. I mean you are still my boyfriends friends," smiled Sophia as she rushed over to them. 

Rolling her eyes and managing to get the fake smile she could put on, turned to Sophia. "Hey girl... nice to see you... again."

"You are here to represent Phil... He doesn't have a case," blurted out Rosa. 

"Yeah, well Lilian is also like my client."

"But she hasn't asked for a lawyer yet."

"Because I didn't want one. I have done nothing wrong," Lilian said. 

"Yeah well Philip wanted you to have representation."

"Detective Diaz and Santiago... we are ready for you," called an officer. 

"Well, here we go," smiled Sophia.

Sophia guided Lilian to the courtroom as Amy and Rosa followed behind. 

"Aaahhh, I hate how she can just think that we have forgiven her for breaking Jake's heart."

"Come on Rosa. As much as I love to admit to him that I hate the idea of him dumping her and being with me, I can't be that selfish. He was so heartbroken when Sophia left. I just want to give them a chance to work through it and if they don't last, then only will I try to make our relationship work."

"WOW Amy. For someone that is meant to be so smart, you are dumb. I mean, how can you really hope that this works. What if it all backfires."

"Rosa, if Jake and i were meant to be then we will find a way back but if Sophia is the one for Jake then... then thats that."

Rosa didn't say anything at that but she wasn't to keen on Amy's plan. Was she really being smart or making a huge mistake. Only time would tell... but she was going to be ready if needed. 

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