Part 16

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"How do you think the two of them are taking all this? Either one of them wants to talk about... not with us or even with each other," wondered Terry.

Rosa, Charles and Terry had managed to sneak away from Amy and Jake long enough to come together and discuss what was happening. It had been three days since they had officially broken up and were trying really hard to ignore each other by focusing on their work. It was hard on those three as they were stuck in the crossfire. 

"Sophia hadn't made an appearance so far which was a good sign... for now," said Boyle.

"Ok, I still don't know what this all about and how can she just come in here and think that it is ok to come in between Jake and Amy," snapped Terry.

"Well for one, Jake I don't think has even told her about Amy and him dating."

"Doesn't matter... she has no right to come in and play with his emotions. Do you know how long it took him to get over her. She had broken his heart. But even though he isn't showing it, getting over Amy will be harder. He is in denial," claimed Boyle. 

"He thinks that giving Amy time will change her mind. He doesn't want to accept that they are truly over... and I will kill you both if you repeat this... I want Amy and Jake to work this out. They are made for each other."

"Oh Rosa, that is so sweet."

"Shut up."

Just then Rosa's phone rang and the caller ID read Amy. 

"Ahh I cant take this. She is so focused on this case now that she is making me check out all leads no matter how ridiculous it is. She wants to stay out of this place so she cant run into Jake."

"Same with Jake. Maybe that is what they need. They need to be at the same place at the same time. Ignoring each other isn't the answer. Maybe we need to push them together so that they can deal with whatever is going on," suggested Terry.

"That's just cheesy... I like it. We need a plan to get them together and a way for them to not run away from each other."


"Relax, I'm going. Why are you so suddenly in a rush to go and check...ok I'm not going to question you," said Amy on the phone to Rosa. 

Amy made her way to the elevator quickly. She was confused as to why Rosa wanted her to get there ASAP. She pressed the button and got in. The doors were about to close when someone put their hand in to open it. Amy looked up to find Jake enter it (who was also on the phone). 

"I can get the next one or even better... ill take the stairs," said Jake. 

"No, you don't have to do that. We can work together without it all being so weird."

"I would like that but I don't want to push it."

Amy gave Jake a weak smile and nodded. "We are still co workers and I would like to think of us as friends too."

The doors closed behind Jake and it wasn't long before the without any warning and a loud bang the lift lost power and it stopped. 

"What the... this isn't happening... is it?" asked Amy. 

"Oh its happening. The lift is stuck."

"It was fine before... Jake this isn't a joke that you are playing on me are you?" 

"What... no I didn't do this. I didn't even know you were in here. I suggested to take the stairs."

"I'm sorry... I just want to get out of here," begged Amy. 

"No... actually I'm glad that we are in here stuck. I thought that I could run away from you and give you space. But I'm not helping anyone by doing that. I thought that I should stay away and give you space and then maybe you would talk to me."

"Jake... just please let that go. I have already told you everything and I cant keep going over my reasons."

"You are making it worse. You know how hard it was for me to tell someone that I love them and I told you."

"You also said that to Sophia. You also fell for her and I saw how hard it was for you to get over her. If you have a chance with her than I don't want to be in the way of that. I thought that I could get used to it all. The whole Jake experience. I cant. We are too different and I don't want either one of us to change to be with the other."

"Is this what this all about. You think that I should be with Sophia?"

"Isnt that what you really want but just couldn't decide. Why are we going over the same thing over and over again. We aren't meant to be and I cant keep lying to myself that I can change this all."

Jake shook his head and grabbed Amy's hand. He pulled her close and before she got a chance to protest, he cupped his hands over her face and gently kissed her. She melted in that moment as she wanted to fight back and push him away... but it was too  good. She could deny that no matter how much she thought it was wrong, she enjoyed it. Kissing Jake made her heart skip a beat and having him hold her in his arms ... butterflies were flattering around in her stomach. 

In that moment they had forgotten where they were or that they were broken up. That moment was too perfect. 


"Do you think they are talking about this and they wont turn on us and try and kill us?" asked Boyle. 

"Well they have nothing else to do in their but talk to each other," answered Rosa. 

"We'll give them another 2 minutes and then we will open the doors," suggested Terry. 

The three of them hoped that their plan had worked and then Jake and Amy would have no choice but to talk to each other and work out what went wrong with them. 


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