Part 2

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Amy entered the break room where she saw Rosa having her coffee. Quietly she took the seat next to her. "Okay, so I put out the word for your crook. A couple of chatters about him has come in but not sure that it is correct."

"Any chatter is ok with me for now. It has been so long that I'm ready to finally put this son a bitch away."

Amy slowly moved back, "Ok so there have been some chatter that the guy that you are looking for has been working from Seattle. He has opened his business there and no longer works from Brooklyn."

"Damn it. That means that I don't have jurisdiction there. And it may take too long to get the Seattle police involved."

"Don't worry, I have some contacts there and I can manage to ask around and have  them keep you in the loop."

"I'm impressed Amy. Your sucking up to authorities may have paid off."

"Thanks, I guess."


"Ok, Jake the ME finished with the autopsy and they found the COD. It wasn't the many stab wounds but poison in his system."

"But that only solves one of the many mysteries. We still have no name."

"Actually Peralta we now do. The dental records has managed to give us a ID. The body is of Jason Williams. He went missing three nights ago. He was working with the guy Rosa has been looking for."

"How do you know that?" asked Jake.

"Well the serial numbers on the money that we found matched the money that was stolen last month. And we know for a fact that Rosa's mystery guy was responsible for the theft."

"So the plot thickens." As the captain and Jake were talking, Rosa came in and sat down next to them.

"So I heard that we have a  case in which I can help you and you can help me."


Jake opened the restaurant doors allowing Amy to enter first. As they came in, they could see Charles and Genevieve already sitting at the table. They followed the waiter as he took them to the seats.

"Happy Birthday," wished Amy and Jake.

"Thanks and also thanks for agreeing to do this."

"No Charles is our friend and you are his girlfriend. Besides this place has amazing food according to Charles blog."

"Oh, so you do read it," smiled Charles as he passed Amy and Jake a glass of wine.


The four of them were having dinner and a great time. After mains, Amy and Genevieve made their way to the ladies room while Charles and Jake sat and discussed the case. They were interpreted by a very familiar voice. To Jake's surprise it was non other than Sophia.

There she stood. She looked as amazing as how Jake last saw her. "Jake, wow what an amazing surprise?" she said.

Jake got up and gave her an awkward hug. "Sophia, what are you doing here?"

"Well, I had a meeting with a client of mine and I saw you and I had to come and say hi."

"Oh, so how is work going for you?"

"It's great. To be honest, it is great bumping into you today. I have been thinking about you laterly. I know how we ended things. We should meet up again and catch up."

Jake sat there unable to say anything. Firstly, he couldn't believe that Sophia was thinking about him when she was the one to end the relationship and secondly she was the only woman that manage to help him move on from Amy when he thought he was in love with her before. Just then he saw Amy approaching. To avoid weirdness he quickly started to push Sophia away from the table.

"Yeah we should hang out. Bye now."

A little confused, Sophia gave him a smile and was on her way. Amy was a little confused as well when Jake just left with some woman and acted weird when he came back.  

Jake & Amy Brooklyn 99Where stories live. Discover now