Part 22

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Jake and Charles waited for the informant to say something. They remained silent. 

"Umm... could you tell us what you know. Why and how we can actually trust you," said Jake. 

Finally they took off their hoody. It wasn't a he but a she under it. She looked at Jake and Charles who both looked surprised. 

"Hey, what do I have something on my face or something?" 

"No... its just..."

"We didn't expect it to be a girl... I mean you to be a woman?"

"Ok, that's kind of sad but that is not the reason we are here. If I come across and help you lot, you need to make sure that I'm safe."

"You must be someone either important or how you really know this information?" asked Jake still not sure how she could be of their help. 

He wasn't going to leave one of their biggest cases on some random person who may turn out not to be anything.

"I'll start by I guess telling you my name. My name is Willamna Bloom. I... Philip and I were together while he was with Lillian. She doesn't know about me as she blindly trusts him. He would tell me everything about his business and everything when he was drunk. He then one day just broke it off with me and I was nearly arrested when I was caught with Philips drugs and he didn't even try and help me."

Jake and Charles looked at each other with great joy. This was it... They had great proof that would help them put away Philip and Lillian. 

"We really need to get her to the courts. We have a great chance of winning. That is if your girlfriend doesn't somehow turn this around," said Boyle. 

Jake looked at him. Somehow hearing Sophia as his girlfriend again didn't make him happy. He wished to keep it all out of this but when he heard it out loud, it was weird. Amy being his girlfriend sounded more natural.

"Hey Jake... You even listening to me. We nearly there but I think we need to call in to Rosa and Amy. They will be waiting and give them heads-up. Recess will be over by now, they need to stall."

"Yeah, sure."

Jake dialled Rosa's number but there wasn't even a dial tone. It was unreachable. Hesitating, he tried Amy's number. Again it was nothing. It was weird. He had just spoken to them and suddenly nothing. Maybe he was just overthinking it. Maybe it was just a signal thing. 


Amy again tried to pulled out her phone and tried to call and then text. Again nothing as there wasn't a signal. She looked around and saw that no one else seemed to notice. She quietly whispered to the old guy next to him for his phone. She tried on that as well and again no signal. 

"Anything," whispered Rosa. She was keeping an eye on the new addition to the courtroom.

"No, this is not good. But it should be fine right. I mean Jake and Boyle are on their way. Besides we could just as easily just slide out of here."

"Yeah you can keep thinking that or actually I will try that."

Amy gave Rosa a side glance at this. She still couldn't believe that Rosa sometimes didn't seem to take her seriously. 

Rosa slowly slide out and made her way to the door. As she did, one of the guys looked up and followed her watching carefully. He watched as she tried to open the door with no luck. She quietly came back and sat down. The guy watching her got a little uneasy.

"Doors are closed, can't open it."

"Yeah that guy was watching you and I'm pretty sure he realised that we know something is up. Something is going to go down and we may be stuck here," Amy whispered back.

Just as she said this, there was a loud bang and yells came from the other side of court room. People started yelling and running. It suddenly became a scene of horror as everyone in the room started to panic. The guys had now pulled out a gun and fired a warning shot into the air. 

"Yeah.. things are certainly going to get crazy here," said Rosa. 


Jake and Boyle reached the court house and saw people running out. There were people talking frantically. 

"What's going on here?" asked Jake to one of the police officers. 

"Sir, you need to step away... This is police..." started the officer but then stopped when he saw Jake's badge. "Sorry. There has been an incident where we have a hostage situation."

"Oh wait what?" 

"One of the courtroom hearings has been taken over by some guys. There are a handful of people in there. We can't get in contact with anyone there," filled in the officer.

"What was the case. I mean our guys are inside that courthouse," said Boyle. 

"We don't really have all the information as to what case or who is inside. We can't get in contact with the guys inside. We are also trying to get the information through as to what cases was on today."

Jake and Boyle walked away still having more questions than any real answers. Were Rosa and Amy in there still? Is that why they couldn't get in contact with them? 

"I hope Amy and Rosa are OK," said Jake. 

"Sophia is also inside if it is Rosa and Amy who are inside. She was on the same case," added Charles. 

"Yeah, I mean of course I hope she is ok too," quickly added Jake. 

Charles looked at him in a weird way. Did Jake forget about Sophia or was he really just worried about Amy? 

Jake & Amy Brooklyn 99Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang