Part 5

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Amy sat at the her desk thinking aboout the night before and Sophia. She kept telling herself that it was all just a silly misunderstanding and Jake wasn't cheating on her. 

"What's up with you? You aren't your usual annoying self?" Asked Roza. 

Amy looked up and Roza saw worry in her eyes. Clearly something was bothering her. Roza turned to leave as she hated talking about feelings and all but stopped when she saw the disappointment on Amy's face. 

"Fine, what happened?" Asked Roza with the teeth pressed together. 

"You don't have to... "I saw Jake with Sophia last night. I went to talk to them and I saw them kiss. I asked him where he was and he lied straight to my face and didn't tell me the truth," blurted out Amy. 

"I bet there is a good reason for that all. I know Jake and he is a lot of things but he won't hurt anyone like that. Especially since he actually likes you," comforted Roza. "But then again it's Sophia... Nah talk to him and discuss it rather than sitting around overthinking it all," advised Roza. 


Amy came into the evidence locker room where she had asked Jake to meet her. "Hey, thanks for coming."

"Yeah no worries. What happened last night. I mean I'm sorry about being late and missing out on dinner," apologised Jake.

Amy gave him a weak smile. "Is eveything ok Jake. You have been acting werid since the double date with Charles. Have I done something wrong? Are we in trouble?" 

"What... No why would you say that?" Asked Jake. "All is good and I like us." 

Amy waited for Jake to say something  else. Maybe even add about what happened with Sophia but nothing.

"Ok, I know that if something did happen you would tell me," replied Amy. 

Jake came close and gave her a kiss. She still couldn't let this go. She knew that he had feeling for Sophia and the thought of what would happen when she came back. Jake would choose Sophia over her? Was her relationship crumbling in front of her? 


"Amy, I've been looking for you," called Rosa.

"Where were did you look?" Asked Amy. 

"At your desk, the I gave up."

Amy rolled her eyes as aNd continues working on her paperwork in then break room.

"Why are you working here? Did you talk to Jake?"

"Yeah, and he didn't tell me the truth. I'm still not convinced that he is cheating on me. I'm going to give him time. Maybe it was just a one time thing and that after that kiss Jake told her that we were dating," replied Amy nervously. 

"Whatever, all this is too sweet for me. I came to tell you that we found the drug supplier that is working in Brooklyn. NYPD officers brought him in and tomorrow we are meeting up with judge Miller. Apperently he has other charged under his collar." 

"Nice. We may be able to make a deal."


"Peltata, how is your case going? Have you found anything about your case?" Asked Captain Holt. 

"The only thing we managed to find is that cause of death. He was poisoned and that we found on him is being processed to see where it came from. My guess, it was drug money," informed Jake. 

"Captain Holt, Jake, Amy and Diaz, can I have your attention. I just got a call from the lab. They ran the serial number from the cash. They match the serial numbers from Diaz and Amy's case. Your two cases may actually be one case," said Terry. 

They all stood there in silence as this just sank in...

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