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What Rose was greeted with after the doors opened were narrow, dark halls.

There was no fog, but it was still creepy nonetheless. And its ambience can make any normal person want to leave.

But Rose is no normal human. She wants answers, but she never meant like this.

Was this just some typical error or was it intentional?

Rose doesn't want to think this was intentional. She doesn't want to think that someone here actually wants to do this to her with reason.

She wishes it's just a coincidence.

She gulps once more when she finally goes to where the lift had brought her. Was this a basement?

It gives Rose chills, thinking about all the crap that could be stuffed in this creepy, dark place.

But she has her mold. Her protection. Maybe her mold would be able to help her through this.


Rose already calmed herself but she can't help but feel unnerved.

Unnerved of the fact that this place has literal rooms in it, and unused beds in the said rooms.

There really wasnt anything special under here and the only other sounds she could hear was her breathing and her footsteps.

She already figured there wasn't much to do here, much less find something useful, so she decides to head back to the lift.

She started walking back to where she came from but abruptly stopped half-way before she could see the lift.

In front of her, was a molded.

Rose didn't think much of the molded, to be honest, but mainly because she can make and control them at her will.

But this time... this molded didn't appear to be hers and didn't come from her.

Rose paused there, eyeing it for awhile before starting to walk again.

Step by step, the molded still didn't move despite how the ground already started threatening to burst mold roots out of it.

The ground slightly shook but the molded did not move, not even slightly.

Rose finally figured out that the molded truly wasn't hers. But who else's could it be?

Only she can do that.

She approaches it again but this time, the creature lunged at her.

Rose was taken aback as she jumped, almost leaped, behind her.

She backed up from it as it neared her threateningly.

And then, it grabs her by her neck when it got too close, extending its long, root-like fingers and wrapping it around her throat.

Rose struggled now as she kicked her legs out of impulse.

The creature started to open its dark hole for a mouth, and screamed.

"You took away everything!"

Rose gasped as she felt the fingers tighten around her neck.

She started kicking violently now as she used most of her strength to get the mold roots out of the ground and onto the molded creature.

She was finally dropped from the strong hold when her mold roots covered the entire molded.

Once again, she used too much force and quantity into summoning her mold.

Soon enough, her mold roots stilled.

Molds and Roses (Resident Evil Village) Where stories live. Discover now