(1) sister from another mister

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hi Crazy Crew! this is just a heads up for you to know that this book will have a few (a lot) spelling, grammar, and punctuation errors but i hope you won't judge me on that!

this is a book that touches on some bases of suicide, self harm, depression, etc. so if you are very sensitive i recommend just skip those parts! If not, read ahead! 

and my, little crazy coo coos... IF ANY OF U COPY THIS BOOK (tho idk y u would its so bad) i WILL PERSONALY HUNT U DOWN AND STEAL ALL THE CHOCOLATE U OWN!

anyway! luv ya and keep living!

life is soup, i am a fork. 





I'm Talia. Tally. And one special person once called me Tally Wally... and God do I miss her.

This is the story of me and my sister. Jesse... my Messy Jesse. This is the story of how I killed her. Because I'm broken. 


I heard the phone ring, and I knew no one would answer it. It had been ringing off the hook. Family, friends, colleagues, neighbours, and desperate reporters. But none of them mattered. Only one person in the entire world mattered. And there was no way she was gonna call. Not now. Not ever.

I heard my mom come up, probably with my lunch, although she knows I'm not gonna eat. She opened my door and I could imagine the frown she must be wearing right now. Thinking why can't I move on like everyone else had. But I couldn't. Jesse was my best friend... no, she was my sister, and I was never gonna see her again. No one and nothing could change that. 

"Tally I have your lunch... please eat it. Even some... you can't on like this!" her voice was laced with worry and I felt bad, I really did, but I didn't deserve to eat if Jesse couldn't. 

I turned my head to my mom and was surprised to see tears in her eyes. I gulped down the block in my throat and whispered, "I'm sorry... I'll try some..." my voice was so hoarse and scratchy from not talking.

I'd spent the past 3 months sitting in my room nearly all day, just staring at all the photos that graced my walls of us.

Of Jesse.

The 2 and a half before that I had spent screaming, crying, and scratching myself wanting to feel any sort of pain to bury the emotional wrecking ball in my gut and heart. I hadn't visited Jesse's grave and hadn't even gone to her funeral. Mainly because I wasn't invited. But also because I knew if I went, I would just make a scene and end up feeling guilty about it later on in the dead of night.

Jesse had a very religious family and she had been keeping a secret so painful she couldn't tell anyone until it came out accidently. Jesse only told me 2 weeks before her death. Her secret was so special she hadn't been intending to tell her parents until she turned 18 and could move away. Her 18th birthday was 3 months away. I don't think I have ever seen her so scared as I saw her on the night of her death. Her wails echoed the nearly empty streets and people turned to stare at us, a few came over and asked us if we needed any help, but I was stupid enough to say 'no thanks'.

2 hours after I dropped her off at her house I got a message from her. 

other half🤍: hey, I just wanted u 2 no that this isn't ur fault. Cos its not.

 Me: wut r u talking about?

other half🤍: i can't fight it any longer.

Me: fight who?

Without JesseWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt