(21) the call

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"Mom. I know your angry-" I started but she cut me off with a clipped,

"I am not angry Talia. I am furious. We enroll you into an elite boarding school for you to get better but instead we find your skipping whenever you want!" I glared even though she couldn't hear me and whisper shouted back at her,

"I am not sick I don't need to get better! And I don't skip whenever I damn well please I skipped the stupid programs you wanted me to sign up for! I never said I'd make this easy." I felt Ms. Tale's eyes watch me worriedly. I looked at her desperately and she nodded. She stood up and left the room, giving me a 10 minutes and I'll be back signal. 

"Do not use that tone on me! You need to go to these sessions Talia! The sooner you get fixed the sooner-"

"The sooner what Mom?! The sooner I'll forget about Jesse? The sooner you can act like she's not dead and I'm not morning? The sooner is never gonna come Mom! And I'm not broken so I don't need to be fixed!" I snapped into the receiver cutting my mother's idiotic words off.

"Your right Talia, fixed wasn't the word I should have used. I only mean for you to move on and get some closer and put this in the past-"

"Oh, your just getting better and better at this Mom! Put Jesse in the past. Put our broken relationship in the past. Put the broken daughter in the past so my perfect little baby can come back!" I sneered at her, she just didn't get it did she?

"Talia stop interrupting me! Your dad and I have been talking and well... we believe maybe you should sign up for another program. The more you get off your chest the less it will hurt you." I listened to her breathing when she finished. After 5 seconds of silence she asked,

"Are you still there?" I rolled my eyes and replied,

"When you say you and dad were talking you mean you were talking and he was listening then you jump right into what ever it was no matter whatever dad said! I don't need another program if anything I'll just skip more! I'm fine with 2! So stop INTERFERING!" I shouted the last word accidently and glanced at the door incase anyone came in to see what was happening. 

No one did. I heard my mom sigh on the other side,

"I'm going to ignore the rude remark you just stated and... pause... no. I'm talking... pause... fine." I heard a rustle and suddenly my dad's deep voice filled my ears,

"Hey love. How's school?" I smiled at how simple and normal he acted,

"It's fine. But it sucks since mom called." My dad sighed at my words,

"You know bub your mom is just worried... and personally I think you should look at this from her point of view. Her only daughter lost her best friend and isolated herself from the world and she tries her hardest to help her daughter out of that dark patch. Do you see where I'm going with this?" I sighed knowing he was right and replied,

"But she just doesn't listen! I don't need another program, and I have friends here I don't need her obsession with me getting fixed or better to ruin that! I only skipped cos I was having a crappy day and didn't feel like it." I was out of breath and glanced at the watch on the wall. I had 5 minutes till Ms. Tale came back. 4 minutes and I'd end the call. 4 minutes and 30 seconds until I would run out of here and find Sandy.

"I understand and I don't think you should sign up for any more programs either. But. That doesn't mean you skip whenever you have a bad day. So you know what you're going to do Tally?" Dad said sternly,

"What am I going to do Dad?" I asked and he answered professionally,

"Your going to go to the lady that does the program that you haven't gone to yet and ask her what you missed out on and if there is an assignment you are going to do it before the next session. And as for the other one that you've gone to once you are going to apologize for your outburst. And respectfully tell her why you spoke like that in the middle of her session. Promise me this."

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