(3) the meeting

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~The art above is not mine, I found it on Pinterest. Credits to the artists, it is beautiful! 😊~

As we walked in Sam started to leave, but at last minute he grabbed my elbow gently,

"Remember I'm always here to help... you know if you need to talk or just with schoolwork." I got scared and thought he had found out about Jesse, but I quickly remembered my lie and smiled at him

"Thanks, and I'm sure I'll need your help... especially with the homework!" I smiled at him, covering the fear I was feeling in that moment. He nodded, his dark brown curls bouncing up and down.

"See you 'round Tally!" then he left, hands tucked away into his pockets as he did. It reminded me of something... or more like someone. 

She walked around the room, hands in her pockets, goofy expression on as she did an impression one of our math teachers, I laughed at her silliness... 

Tears re-formed in my eyes, I wiped them quickly before anyone would notice and walked into Ms. Tale's office.

After 30 minutes of talking about my academics, Ms. Tale asked me, "Do enjoy or are good at anything in particular that you would like to do at MBSGB? Like sport, art, music, or certain academics?" She was actually really young maybe 28? 30-ish? 

I widened my eyes at her suggestions, "Ummm..." my mom looked at me desperately, I have to do this for them, I thought to myself, "I like doing art I suppose." I whispered, Ms. Tale and my mom's eyes lit up,

"Well that's amazing! I personally love to do a little bit of art here and there, though I am not so good at it!" Ms. Tale laughed, "Do you have a piece with you that I could maybe pass on to the art teacher to look at?" I hadn't thought anyone would have to see my art! Luckily I hadn't packed anything but clothes. Saved.

"Yes! I packed one of Tally's pieces into my bag!" My mom exclaimed. Shit. If I could read her mind she was probably thinking of how great this idea was. Urgh. She bent down to grab her purse, which was bulging in some places. Then she pulled out one of my art pieces.

Oh. My. God. It was one of the ones I painted after Jesse killed herself. It was of her with a flower reef above her head to resemble a halo. I started to hyperventilate and tears started to flow down my cheeks.

"B-bathroom!" I gasped, and ran out of the suffocating room. I ran down the hallway and passed a group of students that gave me weird looks. Where was the freaking bathroom?! I thought angrily. I looked behind me to see if anyone had followed. Nope, but as I turned around I crashed into another body.

"Crap! I'm so sorry! I can't find the bathroom and-" I looked up and stopped talking, there above me was a tall, well built boy who looked around my age. He had the most intriguing eyes. They were a vibrant forest green but had a tad blue in them.

He looked down at me with pity, great I wasn't even enrolled into this school and they're already pitying me. I thought to myself annoyed. "Again, sorry. I can't find the bloody bathroom!" I rushed my words and scrambled to my feet, my tears were still falling. 

He pointed a finger in the direction I was going. "You should clean yourself up, you look like shit." I gaped at him. I didn't even know this arsehole and he was already insulting me.

"No shit Sherlock." I snapped at him

"See ya round, Watson." He replied smugly, what a jerk. I glared at him as I continued my fast walk to the bathroom.

When I finally saw the sign, I have never felt so relieved. As I walked in I noticed some girls that were talking had suddenly stopped. I walked over to the counter unfazed and looked into the mirror. Holy poop, I did look like shit. 

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