(42) hangover's suck

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"Rise and shine! Up and at 'em! Lessons are on in 15 minutes!" The head girl shouted as she knocked loudly on the dorm door before moving on to the next room.

"Uuurrrrgggghhh." Sandy groaned loudly before falling off her bed, "Argh, damnit." She whined before clutching her head. I opened one eyes lazily and watched as she attempted to stand up but yelped as the blood rush kicked in, then she flopped back down on the floor.

"Whadafuckhappenwherearewewhayearisit?" She asked confused and tiredly, I groaned and rolled over onto my other side and replied sleepily,

"I don't even know." I felt the headache start to kick in so I whined to Sandy,

"Call Chloe she has to know what to do." Sandy shuffled around and eventually I head the tone ringing.

"Hey Chlo... yeah... yeah... hmm... no... yeah... okay... yeah we need your help... what no! No we didn't even... okay... no... Chloe we're hungover can you go to admin and make up an excuse so we don't have to go?... mhmm... yeah... okay... yeah.... no way... okay. Thanks. See ya soon. Yeah... bye!" Sandy muttered into the phone, I rolled over to face her and asked,

"So?" Sandy walked over to my bed and pushed me over then crawled under the covers with me,

"She's gonna tell the admin I knocked my head last night and need rest, and say your acting up due to your recent injury. And she's also coming here to talk and give us some hang over juice." I nodded and then pulled the covers over my head. This was going to be a long day I didn't even know what happened last night!

One minute I was dancing with Blake and Chloe and Sandy and then after that it was all a blur. I remember I definitely cried at one point. And then I... I think I went outside? I don't know.

"I'm here my darlin- Oh..." Chloe sang then stammered as she saw us, Sandy yelped,

"Nothing happened I just didn't feel like lying in my bed, Tally's is way more comfy." I chuckled at her words before groaning as the light triggered another headache.

"Why'd you take away my protective shield?" I whined at Chloe and she laughed at me,

"Come on, drink this up and you'll be fine with in the next hour." She pulled me up and off the bed before going to wardrobe and picking me an outfit. As she did she explained, "You need to freshen up so your body feels fresh, less like a zombie." She threw my outfit on the bed,

Then she picked out an outfit for Sandy, which she threw on the bed next to mine

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Then she picked out an outfit for Sandy, which she threw on the bed next to mine.

Then she picked out an outfit for Sandy, which she threw on the bed next to mine

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