(5) saying goodbye

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~2 weeks later~

The door bell rang for the third time and I finally decided to go and get it since my parents wouldn't. I bounded down the stairs, my bed hair and clothes from a week ago still on me. After my mom hadn't stopped pressuring me to go and see Jesse I had gone back to my zombie lifestyle. Our postman, Patt, was surprised to see me at the door. The first time he'd seen me in months.

"Tally! How are you doing? I am so sorry about Jess-" His questions were cut off by my abrupt, "I'm doing great, have any mail?" The last thing I wanted to talk about was my feelings and Jesse. It seemed that everyone was trying their hardest to make me talk. He smiled sadly and passed me 4 letters.

"Just these today. Hope you feel better!" Then he rode off in his buggy. I glared at the ground and muttered,

"I never said I wasn't doing well." I slammed the door closed and filed through the cards, 1 from my grandparents, 1 from the local volunteer station my mom worked at, 1 from the local library probably telling us we haven't returned our books on time. And then there was one with a wax sealed stamp and fancy, loopy letters reading,

To Ms Talia Loke.

From Maria's Boarding School for Girls and Boys.

I opened the letter shakily. This was the letter my mom had been awaiting rather impatiently for 2 weeks. I finally cracked the seal and was about to start reading but thought better of it and ran back upstairs to hide all evidence from my parents. After checking the door was locked I opened it and began to read:

To the lucky Ms Talia Loke,

We are happy to announce that your application has been accepted, for you to school and board at Maria's Boarding School for Girls and Boys. Your luggage will be picked up on the coming up Sunday at 11am sharp. Then you and your parents/guardians will commence to the admin at 9am on the Monday to sign you up for any programs, retrieve timetable, dormitory number, buy and get school uniform and to say a goodbye.

Ms. Tale and the Head Student will accompany you to your room, then you will get prepared for lunch, that will commence at 12:30pm. We will be awaiting your arrival!

We welcome you to MBSGB!


Ms. Tale (Headmistress) and the board of MBSGB

I felt my insides rush out in one breath. I was going to school. I was saying goodbye. I took a deep breath as I realized my mom would probably try and get  me to go to the specialized programs. I slowly put the letter, that now weighed a million tons, back into its envelope and walked down the stairs to the lounge room. My mom was reading a book about mental health and my dad was re-watching some of the footy from last night. When I walked in they immediately stopped what they were doing and turned so all their attention was on me. I suddenly felt overwhelmed by the sudden attention. 

I cleared my scratchy throat and said, "The mail came and..." a big breath, "I am accepted into MBSGB." there was a beat of silence before my mom and dad both said.

"That's amazing now we can get you signed up for those programs!"

"Great job honey! How about we sit down to talk about all this?" They both looked at each other surprised before looking back at me expectantly.

"I'm not so sure about those programs mom... I think I can get through school on my own." My mom didn't expect this from me, and she as calmly as she could said to me, 

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