(54) but... but... what about the outfits?

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hey crazycrew!! just a heads up that i added an extra chap on justin's punishment for losing the pranking challenge a few chaps back, its called 'a wise person once sang let it go'! hope you have enough time to go back and check that out!

soz for interrupting your reading! love you bootiful peoples lots! xxx


I squeezed Sam and Sandy's hand to remind myself that my friends were here for me, Chloe was just ahead of us talking about the outfits, the way we were going to give out the art show flyers, and about going down to the beach with Sandy before our 2 hours are up.

When we got to Ms. Tale's office my heart nearly stopped working as Sam held up his hand to knock against the door. Sandy squeezed my hand again before pulling me into the office.

"Hello you all! I didn't realize we would have such a big group with us, are you girls coming as well?" Ms. Tale addressed Chloe and Sandy, I widened my eyes as I realized how weird it looked to have them here.

"They're just here to get out of studying." Sam jumped in, I shot him a grateful smile before nodding. Chloe and Sandy chuckled nervously, but Ms. Tale believed Sam and didn't seem to mind as she brought out more chairs with Sam's help.

I looked at Sandy and couldn't help notice the blush on her cheeks as Sam pulled the chair out for her. He whispered something in her ear and she giggled before playfully pushing him away, I couldn't help notice the unwelcome longing for something like that.

Weird hormonal feelings.

"So!" Ms. Tale clapped her hands as she got some tea ready, I shook the weird feeling off as I listened in.

"You need to be in Byron Bay to hand out some of the Art Show flyers, and to see your parents. The Art Show is next Saturday so how about this Sunday?" Ms. Tale suggested as she poured us each a cup.

"Uh- yeah that's- that's good." I stuttered, I felt a grin spread across my face as relief washed through my veins.

I was going to see Jesse's painting. I was going to get answers. I could have Jesse with me agai- no. Stop.

I heard Chloe say something and I switched all the overly excited thoughts to tune in. "Sunday?! But- but that's 2 days away!" Chloe gasped out, Ms. Tale looked at her curiously.

"Yes it is, is there a problem with that Ms. McDonald?" Ms. Tale asked before taking a sip of her tea.

"Uh- um- no just I'll miss Tally so much!" Chloe chuckled nervously as she fiddled with her fingers. What was she really so flustered about?

"Okay! So, you will have 2 hours. You'll have to catch the bus from the closest bus stop, which is a 5 minute walk from here. I recommend leaving at 10. If you aren't back before 15 minutes over your 2 hour limit you'll have detentions awaiting you. Are we clear?" Ms. Tale informed us. Sam and I nodded as we got our stuff packed up to leave for dinner.

"Alright! Have a nice dinner!" She waved a goodbye to us before tapping away on her computer. We all hurried outside and we got about 10 meters before Chloe wailed.

"2 days! I have 2 days! That's so soon! Ahhhh!" We all looked at her in concern.

"What's wrong with us going this Sunday? We don't have anything on." Sam asked.

Chloe's chin wobbled before she cried out, "But...but... what about the outfits? I won't have any time to plan and prep you to look your best!" I looked a Sam, Sam looked at Sandy, then we all looked at Chloe and burst out laughing.

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