Chapter 2 - "Our kind"

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*This book is for wattpad readers only! NovelHD and teenfic has replicated some of my books with no permission or authority.This is stealing.

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This is how I pictured Sajie....

'If you want to keep a secret, you must also hide it from yourself". - George Orwell

I hadn't noticed, but for a while now, Adam was the one holding me up as my knees wobbled. It was the first time I became aware of how muscular he was. I mean, DAMN. The guy was buff. I knew he was fit but he was toned beyond structure. He held me like I weighed nothing.

There was still awkward silence in our living room. It felt like everything was closing in on me. The quiet was killing me the most. I was anxious and this feeling should have been fleeting by now. My heart just pounded like crazy, causing me to breathe heavily.

My dad looked like he still had no clue on what to say. He was calculating every possible way this might turn out bad.

I could hear the strain in Adam as he voiced out what happened. He clearly understood that I wasn't suppose to know, that this was all by accident.

"I'm sorry Mr. Stephens I panicked, Sajie wasn't healing fast enough. She was unconscious for a long time besides we were already on our way here"

My dad remained silent as he started to phase the room. Clearly, he was very frustrated with Adam. He wasn't prepared for me to see all that. He only stopped when he saw Sajie attempting to stand up. And me, regaining my footing, rushing to her side.

"Dad whats going on?" I asked with a shakey voice as I held my hand up to stroke my sister's cheek, inspecting her now non-existent wounds.

"That's so weird your completely healed " I said fascinated by my sisters rapid healing. Still touching her face, she slapped my hand, annoyed by my little comment.

"Your weird!" she said smuggly through gritted teeth, her eyebrows raised. Usually, this would start a flare up between us but my eyes remained glued to her face. I was in awe.

"What are you?" I asked

"Your sister, duh?"  Sajie replied sarcastically as if I've asked a stupid question. I was about to tell her that she was obnoxious when Adam answered for her.


Say what now? It felt like I was in a bad episode of teen wolf and I have joined their merry pack of werewolves. I always loved that show to be honest. Come to think of it, I never thought much about it after I binged watched the whole series.

I mean, it was very entertaining, I liked it, I was inlove with all the characters but I preferred the normal teenage romance. Love lost, love found, rekindle relationship, separated by unseen circumstances, the third party, faith, destiny but not of the supernatural.

I could see my dad's facial expression morph from anger to stunned, frustration to worry.

This time, I was included. This time, there were no hushed tones. This time, they can no longer pretend to talk about something else. This time, I was fully aware.

"Vydra, I know this is difficult for you to understand, but we kept this secret from you because you are diffrent from us."

Okay? Was I an alien or something? Was I adoptedl? My mind whirled with questions that seem to pile up as he explained further.

"You are human. So was your mother. We knew that only one of our children can inherit the wolf gene. In this case, it was your sister. You maybe human but a child of a werewolf, in our world its called..."

"Abnormal"  Sajie interrupted teasingly. A smirk forming on the line of her lips.

"Sajie stop antagonizing your sister. Go up stairs and get yourself cleaned up"  my dad ordered.

"Fine" Sajie scoffed as she made her way through the stairs, gesturing for Adam to come with her.

Dad returned his gaze right back at me. Then continued...

"As I was saying, your a wolf blood"

I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. As if what he was saying made sense to me. Wolfblood? What the hell is that? He did say I was human right? But not quite. Yep, that made total sense now. My whole existence summed up.

I shook my head. I was even more confused. There was a lot more to see, a much bigger and wider perspective that took the narrative to unexplainable heights.

"Dad I think I need time to let it all sink in. I think I need to lay down"  I said.

"Go ahead peanut, we can talk more about this in the morning."

"You mean I can stay home tomorrow and skip school?"  It was a long shot but I asked anyway. I had to push my luck somehow.

"Nice try Vydra, your not staying home tommorow, get some sleep. If you're not hungry."  I saw my dad give me a weak smile as he shooed me off to my room.

"Tell Adam I need to speak to him"  He added as I marched myself towards the stairs.

I wasn't really sure if it was a good thing to know or not, but it did make me feel like a weight has been lifted. I was able to scratch the surface of what they were hidding from me. But the really question remains, would I like to know more?

What does all of this really mean? Would things be different now?

I went straight to bed, fidgeting. I wasn't really hungry. It was alot to take in learning that the law of nature was just a big sham - That other entities existed in this world, that there were other things that went beyond the visible observable universe. The supernatural was real and I was apart of it.

I fell asleep, with one though in mind. What else could be out there?

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