Chapter 4 - "Awkward"

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*This book is for wattpad readers only! NovelHD and teenfic has replicated some of my books with no permission or authority. #novelhdsteals #notonovelhd

I pictured Aiden looking a bit like this...

"What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us. ..."

It was too late for me to compose myself. A sea of faces stared at me. With consciousness settling in, I mindlessly tried to tame my mangy hair.

It was just like my dad not to warn me of occasions like this.

"Everyone, this is my youngest Vydra." dad announced. He walked closer placing his hand on my shoulder ushering me in.

I was feeling very claustrophobic. I felt like a mouse, placed in a maze ready to sprint, trying to find a clear pathway. But dad just kept leading me on, deeper into the crush of people.

I set myself on a mission. Destination, my bedroom. I had no other thought in my head but to rub my face against my pillow and whisper sweet nothings to it. I was dead sleepy.

Dad released my shoulder as we neared the stairs going to our bedrooms. With anticipated eagerness, I awaited the chance to sneek out and head to my room.

Ready to clear out, I suddenly felt a slight touch on my hand. Oh great! Mission terminated. Enemy detected. I scowled but decided to be polite and plaster a smile on my face. Good thing I did too because now I was peering at Aiden's well formed face. Mission abort! Mission compromised!

Smile Vydra, keep smiling - I said to myself, considering the fact that I am an expert on facial retardation when I got nerveous.

"Hey Aiden" I said sheepishly.

"Hey, welcome to the world of Eventide" Aiden gleamed.

I had no idea how to respond to that, his smile just completely threw me off. Eventide? What did that even mean? I soon realized that it was another word for night.

I just felt all awkward. After all, we haven't spoken much to each other since he started to date Nicole.

Who by the way, was glaring at me with distain. She was seated on our couch, cross-legged clenching her teeth. She looked so spiteful, it was obvious she wanted to rip and eat my heart out and tell everyone her barbies made her do it.

Luckily, Sajie just walked past us and noticed I needed rescuing. She chuckled a bit, but then came to my aid.

"Aiden, there you are! Adam's looking for you." He nodded at Sajie and then excused himself to find Adam.

"Don't worry, it would take him a long time to find Adam. He's coming in late" she explained when Aiden was out of earshot.

She pulled me aside, raising an eyebrow as she judged my appearance. She shook her head in silent distaste.

"Heavens Vydra, you look revolting!"

"I know Sajie, not all people are blessed to be as enchanting as you" I said sarcastically, rolling my eyes.

"Oh, for crap's sake. I'll help you" she said, as we darted to our room.

Sajie was rummaging through my closet when she noticed me slowly disappearing in the covers of my bed.

"Vydra! Don't even think about it! Dad is expecting us."

"Sajie please! I'm really tired. I just want to sleep. I don't even know those people" I said sluggishly.

"Ofcourse you do! Some of them go to school with you .Get dressed! Dad' is waiting"

My annoying sibling was able to get me back down stairs looking more pulled together. We then noticed that everyone was gathering at our backyard, luckily our garden was quite large and equipt to accommodate a sizable amount of people.

My dad was in the center with a couple of middle aged men, it was like they were about to make an announcement. Sajie and I came closer to see what the fuzz was about.

My father spoke addressing his guests with such commanding authority that I felt obliged to listen. As I observed, so did the other people present in the gathering. It was enigmatic.

"You should know our father's alpha." Sajie said.

"Those other men with him, are the council, sort of like our elders, advisers if needed. Mostly, they make rules like human government" Sajie explained. I nodded like a fool pretending to understand.

"Adam's father is actually dad's second, that's why the council decided it would be best if we were mates" Sajie continued.

I came to view with another strong presence, he stood right next to dad clearly in deep discussion with him. He radiated power, too much swagger I didn't want to lock eyes with him.

"Who is that?" I asked my sister.

"Mr.Rollo Blaylock, he too is an alpha, I'm surprised dad even invited him. They don't get along. You should hear them bicker, its epic" she stiffled a laugh.

I had no clue on what kind of powwow alphas have but I don't think it would classify as normal. The world of eventide is all new to me. Thankfully, my slightly hateful sister has done me a huge favor showing me around the ropes, no matter how pecular the situation is.

It became even more bizarre when my Dad called me to join him in the center of the crowd. I felt like I was electrocuted by pure anxiety. The last thing I wanted was attention, thanks to my dad I had a whole lot of it.

I reached the clearing and stood beside my dad as he began to address the crowd yet again.

"Wolves and wolf-bloods, I come before you today to address a rather upsetting topic. To my brethren of the pack, I assure you that peace shall come in due time for us all."

"I make a statement I sorely hope to never have to repeat. Due to the recent attacks on our family and community the council has decided to unite Rollo's pack and mine. There is strength in numbers"

From the people around us, there was a sudden rise of energy and tension but their eyes remained attentive and clung to every word my dad said.

"We confront this crisis through a pact, bound by blood. We need your support, all that you can give. These allegiances would help our cause greatly and bound our lives forever"

The sounds of the crowd assured me that their murmurs were in agreement to my fathers statements. It provided them with hope and a new beginning.

"Lastly, we acknowledge this oath, this bond through our offsprings. My daughter Vydra and Rollo's only son, Tayler. May thier bond be absolute and true"

The people around us began to cheer. They seemed pleased. But as realization hit me I was mortified.

Wtf! What bond? Who the hell is Tayler? When I said shit hit the fan earlier - I had no idea it would hit this hard. It's a shit storm! Loads and loads of it.

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