Chapter 15 - "I see you"

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*This book is for wattpad readers only! NovelHD and teenfic has replicated some of my books with no permission or authority.This is stealing.

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"A first kiss after five months means more than a first kiss after five minutes". - Steve Kluger

The night was young, I didn't want it to end, but for some people, having a curfew was a buzz kill. I had to get home.

Tayler walked me to the front door as he twirled me around like a princess. He was whispering sweet nothings in my ear, sending puffs of playful air along the side of my face. It made my heart pound and do cartwheels.

Every time he kissed me was like the first time. The world would stop spinning for a second and my lips would automatically part.

He kissed me on the cheek - just a slight touch, teasing and light. It was actually enough to send shivers through my body. He held me close, kissed my forehead, on my nose and he traced my mouth with his finger to slightly open them.

He tilted my head, with a sly smile on his face. His lips didn't move but I could hear him. It was easy for Tayler to send his thoughts in my mind. It wasn't like talking on the phone or morse code, it was clear. A full blown dialogue only we can hear and share.

"Told you I have skills in kissing." He said telepathically wiggling his eyebrows.

"I'm really not sure about that, I think I need more convincing" I answered back, giving him a flirtatious look.

We must have looked silly to anyone who saw us, just standing there, eyes locked on each other. Communicating visually only through small gestures but having this hidden conversation in our heads.

He slowly and tenderly brushed his tongue across my lips. I could feel the warmth of his body as he pressed me closer to him. He lay his lips on mine, his mouth insistent. His hand moving from my back to my waist, then to the mark. It was like opening my soul, seeing every color of the rainbow in detail.

Then SLAM! What the f$#%! It was Sajie, my slightly hateful sister. Apparently, whacking me with a pillow is a good way to interrupt my sexy Tayler dream.

"Eewww V, seriously, that was very disturbing. Your heavy breathing, moaning or whatever that was - just ain't right! You sounded like a mating bull frog." Sajie cringed.

"I suppose it has something to do with that" she took notice of Tayler's bite mark.

"But please I really don't want to know about your punani pounding with Tayler! Refrain from sleep talking if its about that. If you dont mind" my sister said while making gagging noises.

She left me in our room speechlless.

I've been having dreams again, but I can't make sense of it. It seemed jumbled even random. It was not of the killing sort, it was a little weird. It was like watching myself or other people. Charmaine's theory is that my abilities to channel these dreams or the sight might be getting stronger because of Tayler - we finally accepted each other as mates.

To my sister, it was because I'm sexually frustrated that I started to become a pervert and I should be jailed for it. She wasn't particularity happy having front row seats to everything specially, when my nocturnal emissions might be one of my lusty fantasies about Tayler.

Speaking of Tayler, he was already down stairs. He was seated at our dinning table looking all dashing. That same cocky grin on his face.

"Ready for school peanut?" He mused.

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