Chapter 5 - "Damage control"

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*This book is for wattpad readers only! NovelHD and teenfic has replicated some of my books with no permission or authority. #novelhdsteals #notonovelhd

This is how I see nicole...

"To say that one waits a lifetime for his soulmate to come around is a paradox. ..."

When a sudden sweep of emotions engulf you, sometimes what you see on the outside surface reflects on the inside. I was going to be sick. The spinach ravioli I ate for lunch was threatening to have an on core appearance.

My mind kept replaying my dads words, putting my whole body on pause so my brain could catch up.

What was he thinking? Why was he allowing this? Why does it have to be me? What the f*ck was going on? My eyes darted around trying to find an answer to calm my screaming mind when they focused on Aiden...

Oh my God, Aiden! Our eyes met and I could see the shock register on his face. Nicole was tugging his arm, pulling him away. I shook my head quite frantically just to make sure I wasn't dreaming. This was bad. So bad, I could hear my heart pound through my ears.

I looked at my dad with pleading eyes telling him to take it all back. He returned my gaze only with a faint smile, begging me to understand. My sister who was watching everything took initiative and grabbed me from the middle of the crowd. She brought me to our room, in the comfort of my bed.

"Calm down Vydra you look like your about to have a seizure."  Sajie said.

"That bad huh?"

"Well, I cant really say... people might have thought your constipated..." She teased. I groaned and burried my face on a pillow.

"It gets better dont worry"

"How can it be better? I dont even know this Tayler.." I answered back.

"Oh you will, he tranfered to your school this morning"  Sajie said.

I sat upright in bed thinking the day can't get any worse. Its just so dreadful, that in a split second I totally lost control of my life. Now, I find myself wishing I was still in the dark about the whole eventide world..

"Look, I told a couple of my friends to watch out for you in school. So, take a chill pill"  Sajie said trying to comfort me.

"Sajie, if your talking about Nicole i'll pass"  I said sternly.

"Oh hell no! That girl is a different species all together!" Sajie retorted

"Species? You mean shes not a werewolf?"  I asked in surprise.

"Oh, she goes by a lot of names. Skank, hooker, slut, floozy, bitch...the list goes on."

It was unexpected but I laughed. I worried a little less now that my sister can freely talk to me. She sat beside me and started to brush my hair. I teared up a bit since it was something our mom use to do.

"V, I know your thinking about Aiden. You should forget about him. Mates have already been chosen for the both of you"

"But thats unfair, Sajie"  I said stubbornly.

"The council makes the choices and we live by it, rules are made to create order- without it, its chaos. Did you think I liked Adam at first?"

Sajie had a point. And for the first time in my life, I saw my sister in a different light. I respected her. She sounded older than she looked. She was smart behind her super polished exterior and well manicured nails.

"Keep it together V, you know our pack is under attack, the alliance we have might be the only thing to save us all."

"We have no idea what were dealing with, all we know is that it preys on both wolves and wolfbloods. I was lucky to get away like I did"

I listened to my sister as she spoke about the unseen danger they all seem to sense. She even shared that while I was in school yesturday she and Adam went investigating.They found out that the attacks are getting frequent. My sister was the only survivor.

Sajie stopped combing my hair. She trembled a bit and spoke.

"It could have been me V, the last victim was found dead lying in a pool of her own blood. Whats alarming is that she was at the park where mom use to take us'

My eyes widened recalling my nightmare, it couldn't be. Fear and trepidation spread all over me like wild fire. I had to say something . Maybe it was just a coincidence.

"How did she die? Was it a wound on her chest and face? And was she bare foot?"  I asked nervously.

"Yes, how did you know. I never told you those details?"

Sajie gave me a skeptical look. I took a deep breath then started telling her about my nightmare. Promising myself that I would be as accurate as possible.

"And you choose only to tell me now?"  Sajie scoffed. She was obviously crossed with me. She was sounding like her old hateful self now.

How was I suppose to know I was witnessing a murder? How in the world would I know that my dreams had significant importance?

She rushed out of the room, I guess to tell my dad. I couldn't deal with this now, my head was spinning .This was all I can take for the day.

And imagine, a few days ago I thought my life was boring. That nothing remotely interesting could happen. Oh, how wrong I was.

The quiet made my eyelids heavy. I lay in bed as my eyes continued to flicker. I stretched and yawned, finally letting sleep take over. 

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