Chapter 12 - "The Black Wolf"

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*This book is for wattpad readers only! NovelHD and teenfic has replicated some of my books with no permission or authority.This is stealing.

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"Unexpected events can set you back or set you up. It's all a matter of - perspective." ~ Mary Anne Radmacher

"You have got to be kidding me" Adam said furiously.

"No freaking way!" Tayler said infuriated.

We have reached the motel and there were two vacant rooms with single beds left. I wanted to share a room with my sister like I always did, but unfortunately, I got violent reactions from the guys.

The idea of two grown men sharing a motel room sounded absurd. It was so ridiculous it made me laugh. So did my sister. The guys seemed pretty pissed because they ignored us, snatched the keys from our hands and went in separate rooms banging the door as they shut it.

"Sorry V, looks like your bunking with Tayler tonight" Sajie said.

"Sajie, come on you know I cant stand him" I said in refusing tones.

"Jeez, grow some balls. Its just one night, you'll live. Not unless you want to room with Adam, he snores like gigantic bees being sucked backwards"  She chuckled.

Before I could object even more, my sister waved her hand in goodbye and started to head to Adams room. Miserably, I had no choice but endure it. It was just one night anyway. One long, agonizing night.

In the room, I found Tayler flopped on the bed watching TV. It was very unsettling to be alone with him. His unpleasant comments made me consider murder. I hissed.

The room was fairly small but decent. I looked for towels to dry me off and threw one at Tayler who was soaking the bed.

"Do you mind? I'm sleeping on the bed, you, get the couch!"  I said.

"Why don't you take the couch, your smaller!" He retorted.

I gave him an evil glare and told him I'll push him over if I had to. He gave me an annoyed look implying he was not moving from where he was.

"Move dickhead" I said in warning.

Tayler ignored me and continued to watch tv. This was it. I have had it. I was tired and drenched from the rain, I was really angry.

"I said move asshole!' my voice sounding more of a squeak than a shout.

When I touched him, to push him over, I saw him close his eyes and guard a portion of his body. His chest maybe his ribs. I really didnt care. Was he that preverse to think I had plans on molesting him?

He remained still, as I nudged and rammed him more off the bed. I was getting tired, how long can we both keep this up? Finally, with one forceful shove my hand brushed over his chest.

He didn't fall off the bed, but I did stop pushing him. For a brief moment, I saw his face grimace. He took a breath, as his face returned back to his smug and arrogant look.

"Your hurt!"  I said

"Your imagining things"  he replied nonchalantly.

"No, Im not, you are hurt" I said slowly emphasizing the hurt part.

"I said no! Bugger off Peanut"  he said defensively.

"Then let me see"

"If you wanted my clothes off, you could told me, I'd gladly comply"

"Your disgusting! I mean it let me see"

"Fine, but your stripping too"  he said wiggling his eyebrows.

I sighed as he sat up to lift his shirt. I ghasped. His skin was discolored from his chest to his side. Some parts were still red like his body was fighting to heal it. On his side, it was darkened to a blue and purplish color.

He pulled his shirt down and smirked.

"Your turn Peanut" he said expectantly.

I froze, then quickly stood up. I didn't know what to say. His snide statements usually brought me violent impulses to either punch him on the face or anything close to homicide. But this time, I remained quiet. He noticed the change in my body language.

"It was you, wasn't it? Your the wolf!" I said. He gleamed, then replied

"Took you quite a while to figure it out"

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"Beacuse you wanted it to be Aiden" He said bluntly.

I fell silent. I knew in my heart that it was true. I wanted it to be Aiden and I wasn't denying it. But how did he know? He must have detected me thinking deeply...

"Don't put too much thought on it peanut, it meant nothing, and as I said the first time, you'll never be my type, I did it for the alliance." He mused.

It was official, I was confused. He was giving me so much mix signals. He acts like a complete and total jerk, teases me, annoys me but then he saves me. What was that about?

"Thank you" was all I could say.

I was expecting a sarcastic reply when he simply answered.

"Your welcome"

I decided to walk out of the room, the gloomy weather didn't seem to wash my anxiety out. I treaded along the halls when I saw an ice machine. I decided to carry some ice back to the room, to atleast help with Tayler's injury. It was the least I can do. No matter what an ass he is, he did save my life after all.

I made my way back to the room seeing Tayler, still lounging around the bed.

"Here" I stretched my arms offering him the bucket of ice.

"I'm fine, I'll heal. But if you do wana repay me..."

I cut him off.

"Not in a million years Tayler" 

He genuinely laughed this time. It was pleasing and kind of warm hearted, surprisingly.

"Get rootbeer, I was going to say repay me by getting a rootbeer by the vendo machine"  he continued to chuckle.

"Oh, okay" I said a bit embarassed. My cheeks turning red.

"But what were you thinking of?"  He asked with a mocking grin.

"Whatever asswipe"  I said in retort walking hurriedly out of the room.

Tayler was an enigma. If his campaign was to drive me crazier by the second, I think he is close to accomplishing that. He was a balance of arrogance and niceties that he becomes a completely different person each time.

One thing is factual though, he was definitely good looking. His body all though bruised was absolutely, irrevocably scrumptious.

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