Chapter 1.2 - Best + Bitter = Better

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*This book is for Wattpad readers only! NovelHD and teenfic has replicated some of my books with no permission or authority.This is stealing.

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"Not all goodbyes are sad. For example Goodbye school!"  - Anonymous

I got home just in time to help my Dad with dinner. I still felt indifferent since Sajie wasn't around. By this time, she usually went straight to mocking me about my shapeless clothing choices.

My dad decided to break the silence. It has far been too quiet for the both of us this past few months. But of all questions, he to ask me the worse one of all...

"How was your first day?" My dad asked nonchalantly as he walked around our dinning area. He noticed how I pondered to answer such a simple question. Well, it was a number of things I suppose, given that I'm teenager and the perfect blend of confused emotions.

Maybe, I'm overwhelmed that it was him and me now. I wasn't use to it. It was a routine that a ruckus would errupt everytime me and Sajie were in the room. We constantly bickered. We fought about mostly everything. It drove my dad nuts but I could see it in his eyes that he was hoping for even a glimmer of that chaos.

He misses her. Maybe I did too. Or maybe, I missed coming up with answers to Sajie's hourly snide comments.

I might as well tell him about Aiden, I told myself. Maybe, a different and fresh perspective can help me out of this funk. Besides, I don't think we have much to talk about. He knew about Aiden after all.

My dad suddenly tensed. I could see the hair from his arms rise. His eyes darted, his face was anxious - like he was listening for something, waiting...

I remained quiet, looking fixedly at my dad. Was he reading my mind? Was he sensing that I was boy crazy?

I heared tires screeching from a distance getting closer. The tires squealed, breaking in turns like the fast acceleration of my heartbeat. It came to an abrupt stop in front of our house. A loud thump on the door startled me. My dad bolted and gestured for me to stay back.

Alot of things were playing in my head. I was nervous but very much intrigued on what was about to happen.

I could hear a frantic voice saying "Mr. Stephens, open the door, it's me Adam! Sajie's hurt!"

I shrieked! What in the world ...

My father's expression changed - to describe it creatively, he was like the hulk. He opened the door to find Adam carrying my badly bruised and unconscious sister.

I stood idle for a while, my brain was trying to process what I was seeing. Taking note of the large nasty gash that crossed her face. Her body was scraped that it damaged her skin. I began to sob placing my face on my hands. Adam gently carried Sajie to the couch.

"What happened Adam? Who did this?" My dad said in distraught.

"I dont know sir, we were on our way here to surprise you and Vydra, we stopped for gas and I went in the store to pay, I heard her scream, and she was.... "

"Adam, how can you be so careless, she's your mate!!"

My head automatically lifted as I stared at my dad. He looked back, surprised I caught up to what he said. Mate? What? Interesting choice of words. Where did that come from? Animal kingdom?

I shrugged the thoughts off and rushed to my sister. I can still make out her pretty face through her bloody wounds. I held her hand tightly willing her to wake up. She gave my hand a little squeeze as she winked at me.

She literally winked at me. Was this all a joke? The hell?

I knew it, Sajie was playing tricks on me again. This time she went all out including my dad and Adam in her ploy to prank me. The wounds seriously looked real. This isn't the first time she played jokes on me, it always ended with me crying. 

I peered over to see that my dad and Adam had quieted down. They both sighed in relief that my sister was now gaining conciousness. I could have handed them an award for being great actors and staying in character. All this, just to prank me.

Then I thought I was seeing things. Sajie's bruises and cuts were starting to heal, it was disappearing. What the hell is this? Sorcery?

I could literaly see her wounds closing. Her skin restoring itself to its natural smooth blemish-free complexion. Blood was still smeared but no sign of her wounds.

This freaked me out big time, the wounds weren't prostetic make-up! It was real and healing in unnaturally fast way.

I abruptly stood up and bumping into Adam.

I must be loosing my mind.

"What the hell! Did she just.. " I couldnt say the words let alone believe what I just saw. In my head, this was a prank that my sister had concocted to make me cry.

I was crying, alright.

"Calm down Vydra, I'll explain everything to you if you just listen" my dad said clearing his throat.

What could he possibly say to explain this? I'm positive that I'm not medicated, nor have I ever tried drugs to hallucinate this.

This was weird.

I gawked at them like my brain wasn't making any connection to reality. I was catatonic. I guess I found myself dumbfounded, in the sense that my words have stopped flowing - this wasn't good, I'm usually a chatterbox. Well, atleast to a few people who knew me well.

My dad made odd gestures like he was trying to begin to explain but decided on a different way to do it each time. It was taking him longer than I thought. I assume he was searching for the right words.

I mean, if he is worried about frying my brain with what he was about to say, I don't think he has to worry that much. I have managed to do that myself. 

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