Chapter 2: A Night of Full Moon, The Childish Heart

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Not a lot of people cared about everything that happened in other countries, politics, natural disasters and such. As the students in Momos were all of international background, it's hard to keep up with any news that interests everyone in the Academy. Students particularly prefer to know about their own country, their own industry or their own local passion.

It had to be known that East Asia produces large numbers of quality students and many of them are rich. It wouldn't be too weird if a fraction of the students were from there. Now Shao Long couldn't be the only Chinese student in Momos. There at least had been another dozen or so. These people are the ones Shao Long had always been wary of.

There are generally two types of Chinese that Shao Long have come to classify from those he had met. The first type is the studious one who don't give a fuck about who you are unless you can match them in terms of intelligence or humour (if there was any in the first place). The second type is all hype and brag (either silently or loudly doesn't matter) about their upbringings without even having at least three brain cells in their skull. These two types are the most common ones in the business circle that Shao Long had prepared a mental guide on how to deal with each.

(Despite knowing that, Shao Long had no idea in which category belongs to.)

Cough cough.

Anyway, Shao Long did, in fact did a research on the Chinese who study in Momos. This is absolutely not paranoid, but one thing Shao Long learned about being a teenager is that even though they have no interest in the news, once a hot topic that involves someone they know, they WILL exaggerate. He would very much prefer that the news about his family's crisis were kept hidden as long as possible.

Well obviously he couldn't keep at it forever, but at least not until his mental stability was back to normal, because right now, he believed that if a student dared to mention that bankruptcy, he will not hesitate to commit violence be it verbally or physically.

And yes, he is that sensitive because that's who he is.

Again, got a problem?

Shao Long had incredible speed of unpacking, he learnt it the hard way by being in multiple business trips since young. In about 10 minutes, all his clothes and items were where they were supposed to be, including his body, which was on his bed, getting ready to enter the realm of the sleep.

Just as he turned to his side, he flinched.

Ah, he forgot about that again. Bruises.

Don't get him wrong, he wasn't abused or anything of the sort. He was just born aggressive, and his aggressive nature had unfortunately welcomed him so many troubles every now and then. It's hard not to beat the shit out of people who thinks they're better than you when they can't even throw a rational argument. The number of detentions he got was almost remarkable at some point. That is, until he met Anubis.

"Bastard can't keep his nose out of things..." He murmured with a sigh.

Don't misunderstand, the relationship between him and Anubis was way too complicated. He didn't even know what to say of their relationship. Some say it's toxic. Some say that he's better this way. None of which got to him, because unlike the idiots who fail to impress him even during a trash talk, Anubis is different. So very different.

Shao didn't even know if he liked Anubis, or hate him to the core. Anubis could be an ass even when he wasn't trying to.

The pair of brown eyes, almost glowing in gold, framed by long lashes came into mind. A frown crept to Shao Long's face, drawing out a groan. Eventually, exhaustion from the previous flight got to him, and he was lulled to sleep by the sound of the wind whistling outside the dorms, heart steeled for another day ahead.

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