Chapter 46: Complexity of Emotions And Affection

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I'm so sorry to What Was Worth A Heart readers, climaxes are super hard to write. Tried and gave up, since it's been too long since I wrote in my laptop. Once I get the hang of it, Imma go back there, kay? 

Also, how is it that even during the holiday, I'm busy as hell? 

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The first thing Leo registered along their way to the dorms, was the stares. As the son of a quite well-known businessman, with all three of his older siblings lining up for the main positions of the company, to add up with his scientist achievements throughout his very short life, Leo was naturally used to stares. Doesn't mean he liked it. He also couldn't handle human interactions despite being fascinated by their social behavior. Hence, the reason why he stayed close to Anubis, regardless of how fast that motherfucker was walking. 

Because Anubis was the largest and hence the tallest of the trio. Therefore, on days when he decided to be Usain Bolt on a casual stroll, his single stride was equivalent to one and a half of Leo's and two of Shao Long's. Which was pretty offensive, especially to Shao Long, bless his poor soul. But at times like this, Leo was actually glad because due to Anubis' amazing casual stride that looked like he was pretty chill, it became impossible for all of the other students to catch up to him. Hence, it relieved Leo from their curious approach. Not to mention this aura Anubis carried. While Anubis didn't look like he was threatening, he did make the other nobles shy away in their insecurities for some reason. Leo, of course, took advantage of that. 

Though, one quick glance from the king had both of their steps to slow down, which raised a questioning look from Leo. Looking up at the guy, Leo wondered what Anubis saw to make them slow down, until the guy in question spoke, "You don't mind following me?" 

"What's that supposed to mean?" Leo took a slightly larger step to get to his side rather than behind. Their steps then synched, Leo noted, with Anubis closing his stride to match Leo's smaller ones. Anubis was slowing down for him. 

"I was in a rush. Didn't think you'd follow me through." Anubis, similar to himself, sucks at words. Thankfully, Leo had spent some time studying emotions of humans and speech representations, especially concerning his two closest buddies, and therefore he knew what those words really meant. Anubis wanted to get there fast, wherever it was, and he knew his steps would be troublesome for Leo to match. Leo being Leo too, he wouldn't really have a problem on his own if he was to be left behind. If he even wanted to follow in the first place. For all the three of them knew, Leo didn't make it a habit to go through things together to the end. Just one blink is all it takes for him to disappear whenever he liked it, so it wasn't strange for Anubis to not expect Leo to follow him, Especially if following Anubis meant discomfort for the blond. 

"How rude. I don't always leave." Leo snorted lightly, though his gaze swept across the groups of students murmuring around them. Brief glances and hands covering lip movements were increasing, to add with confident smiles that looked to be of a challenging manner. A sigh escaped his lips. Boys, in the end, will always be boys. The competitiveness and ego ran through every inch of males' blood vessels, that was something no one could change. As much as Leo wanted to see them face defeat, he had long since grown out of wanting to prove himself to unworthy people, and hence not interested in indulging their curiosity's. 

"You're just a beacon to me now. Humans may fascinate me, but I don't see myself in them." 

"Alright then, mister alien." Anubis huffed a laugh, but Leo didn't miss how his eyes scanned their surrounding as well, seeing across the hallway, front and back, seeing things Leo couldn't see and analyzing every single person they came across. "Stay close." He spoke suddenly, face not turning away from the front, "They're seeking answers." 

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