Chapter 38: In The Presence of The Devil, Wallowing In Deceit

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So basically the past few days had been busy for me. 

Hey hey, I'm allowed to be busy y'all. 


"That was lame, Dog." Leo sighed. Closing the book at hand, he jumped down from a shelf. His steps were light, but still made sharp sounds as he ambled towards the window of the room. He kicked the beer cans in his way, not even trying to tone down his movements and hide his presence. He can be as loud as he liked, and not even Anubis could say anything about it. Besides, what would they be afraid of? 

The princes finding out? What could they do even if they were found out? 

The gangsters finding them? The fact that the building wasn't burning yet was proof that the two demons currently residing in the room were showing them mercy. 

Shao Long finding them? So what? 

"You're being a nuisance, Beast." Anubis barely spared him a glance before diverting his attention lazily back to the prince group, one hand cushioning his chin. A yawn escaped his lips, but his eyes didn't close. "And what was lame? I didn't do anything." 

"It's about as lame as a man picking a fight with a child. Compared to your size, you're more whiny than Shao Long's brother, so will you please just stop sulking already?" Leo balanced one of the beer cans on the tip of his feet, juggling it mindlessly with both hands stuffed in his pocket. He was making a hell lot of noise, purposely trying to annoy the Egyptian, because he knew he could get away with it. 

"Which corner of your eyes saw that I was sulking? Shao Long was right about you needing bleach in your eyes." 

"Please, he said no such thing. But no, the obviousness of your whiny self harboring irritation should be concerning, Anubis, and here I thought I was the one who was 'swayed away' by a certain someone." Leo paused, very briefly. "Or perhaps it was Gion who manipulating you. Are you sure that's a good thing, Anubis? I mean, he might be the death of you." 

"Piss off." Anubis kicked the beer can Leo was trying to balance, the little kick that looked like a mere nudge had sent the can flying across the room, creating a dent from where it hit the wall. That was the loudest noise they had made so far, and to Leo, this was a sign that Anubis was, in fact, sulking and losing his temper quite fast. The Egyptian's eyes were still trained on Gion, only this time accompanied by a frown, a hard look that's almost intimidating to those who witnessed. 

And Leo did feel a twinge of alert in his heart upon the sight of Anubis, draped onto the windowsill as if he wanted to be one with the metal frame, one hand cushioning his chin and the other laid dormant in his side, more than prepared to swipe a dagger he hid somewhere on his being, to anyone that he deemed unworthy of breathing in his presence. But the fear faded as soon as it came, like it was never there. According to Leo's imaginary journal, he was qualified to be Anubis' victim if he didn't shut the fuck up within the next 12 minutes before he could speak again safely. And that meant danger, but this was Anubis he was dealing with. If Leo was afraid of him, then he would've long injected poison directly through the motherfucker's jugular veins. 

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