Chapter 13: Of Late Night Calls Over Homework, Laced With Concern

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I scared myself writing this chapter and the previous two. I really like the suspense. Enjoy reading!


Shao Long hated studying, as previously stated. There are plenty of successful people out there who weren't good at academics and still live their lives to the fullest. These are the kinds of people that he always found to be jealous of. Anubis is a short example. Motherfucker is a king and he could still play around wherever and whenever he liked and Shao Long never understood how that was allowed. 

Most of Shao Long's life was filled with expectations. Now the funny thing about these so called expectations was that he had met almost all of them and yet none at all. He learned violin like they wanted, he practiced smiling, he scored highest in his grade blablabla but there is nothing they could do about his temper or the desire to get himself into trouble at every turn.

He fought a lot of people, he lied as well and even commit fraud at some point, though very rarely. He had long since lost count of the number of bones he broke, both his own and others. Blood spilled sometimes and because of it, he had met with the local policemen too many a time for them to not only recognize him but recognize his pattern of escape as well. 

It was much more fun doing that compared to sitting at his desk all day and study. Hilariously, he was fairly good at academics no matter how dreadful he felt towards it. He thought, in the end, the only things he could do at his desk for hours long is either sleeping or doing his business work. Both are fun, and both are actually productive (to him at least) 

After showering, Shao Long placed his cold dinner on the side of the table with his homework load right in front of him. There weren't that much that needed to be completed before tomorrow so he guessed around an hour and a half was enough to finish. He was already exhausted and wasn't planning on staying up for long. 

Cold dinner was the least of his worries. He could eat pizza fresh out of the fridge and still enjoy it because he had been used to simple foods in his life. Childhood was rough enough that he learned not to be picky (except for coffee). Over time, he cooked for himself if he had the time and ingredients, and got pretty good at it, he guessed. Still, cold food was always the easiest option and in Shao Long's life, efficiency is everything. 

A total of three subjects with homework. Since today, teachers liked to discussed their previous class' homework, so they didn't have complete lessons, which means that there was no homework for the day. That left him with few to complete before 11. 

As he did his work, Shao Long though about the men he had seen tonight. The one who had followed him, and the ones on the floor below them. Two months ago, he didn't really know who lived there but they must be quite high ranking considering their floor is just below royalty. Perhaps they were sons of dukes and earls though he didn't think those bulky men were students at all. 

But to think strangers had access to the Academy dorms, adults no less, no student would calm down knowing that. Especially since the second highest floor somewhat allows these men to bypass all the floors below them. If say they had been using the stairs and could somehow open the doors, it meant that they could do the same to the other floors as well. And besides, where were the students on the second highest floor when Shao Long had seen them? 

Or was the dorm supposed to be empty there? 

Ah, he didn't really know about that part. He supposed one of the members in the Student Council handles the dormitory area and student's accommodation and wellbeing. He would have to find that out from them later. 

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