Chapter 29: When Talking About Possibilities, Is World Peace A Part of It

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When Shao Long said that Charles' only feat that could earn him praise was his ability to fuck Shao Long's life at every turn, just by being named Charles, he was actually speaking plenty truth. 

Charles had only just realized this when the Chinese was basically showering him with a hailstorm of blade-like glares from the corner of the van, where he was handcuffed. The feeling was similar to that of having been stared at by a lion waiting to pounce on him for dinner, but it's not like Charles could do much in this situation aside from being in just as helpless a situation. 

When the two was thrown into the van, they were unfortunately met with the sight of..... Actually, lets make a list. 

1. Alex

2. Albert

3. Ciel

4. Gion

5. Livio (who was unfortunately unconscious) 

In short, their venerable kidnapper was definitely targeting as many prince as they could, because when Albert, Ciel and Alex saw him, they had an expression of horror on their faces as if trying to say something like 'God, not you too.' or 'They actually found you, huh?' Meanwhile, Gion looked like he could in a better state than this one, and that he was in with his utmost patience as he could only watch another one of them being taken from the streets of Momosu. At his side, Livio's head was lolling at every bump on the road, barely managing to maintain his posture by leaning half of his body on his very unfortunate master. 

"Okay, we got everyone on the list. Hey, who's the guy in red?" One man in black gestured to Shao Long, who snapped his head towards them with a brilliant smile that to Charles, resembled a poisonous viper. It was a known fact that Shao Long's iconic red outfit would attract the attention of just about everyone, but clearly this situation wasn't a time Shao Long wanted to gain attention. 

"Eh, him? I don't know, I just accidentally grabbed him I guess?" 

"You accidentally grabbed him?" 

"Yeah, brat was kinda grabbing the blond kid, so he got roped in by mistake."

Hearing the word mistake, Shao Long let out a dramatic gasp, then swiftly snapped his attention back to Charles, the ice-cold look he gave off daring him to even internally deny that yes, Charles was the one at fault here for dragging Shao Long into his bullshit. 

"Well then, why don't you just let me go if I'm not on your stupid list?!" Shao Long retorted when he saw that Charles wasn't going to take responsibility. If he wasn't handcuffed, Shao Long would've loved to salute these men with his middle fingers, and maybe he could cuss them out with words more vulgar than anything these princes had ever heard in their lives. And maybe, if he wanted to get down to the situation as peaceful as possible, being slightly obedient was one way to do it. 

However, these men didn't seem to appreciate tame Shao Long, most likely because they had no idea who he was, what he was able to do, and how much damage he could cause all by himself. With a snort, one of them said "Letting you go would be like setting a beacon to our location right now." 

Completely ignoring the fact that the van was still very much moving, Charles wondered how good of an idea would it be to let Shao Long escape this by himself first, given that the Chinese wouldn't just save himself and leave the princes on their way to their deaths. And from the sound coming from outside the van, Charles could deduce that they were on a highway that was considerably empty, with no other vehicles around them. 

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