Chapter 6: Of Events And Finance

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There were a few times when Shintarou had seen Shao Long's neutral face and expression. It wasn't as he had expected, he thought that the other guy was filled with incompetent arrogance, all barks and no bites, he expected to see Shao Long the same as all those reckless rich kids who think they had it all without knowing jack shit about how the world works. It didn't really happen. Sometimes, Shao Long would be angered for no reason, but the more they stayed in the same dorm, he had realized certain things about the Chinese. 

Shao Long's neutral face was as gloomy as fuck. At first, he thought it was the boy who was simply somewhat depressed about some daddy issues or goth emo, partially because motherfucker wore red like a boss. It was only later on that he realized that it wasn't the case. Sleeping people don't get to control their expressions, no matter how sad they are, their expressions would remain relaxed. The first time, it might just be a coincidence, but after countless times seeing the boy dozing off in front of his laptop on the veranda, he had come into a conclusion that like him, Shao Long was born looking like this. This was, unfortunately, his natural expression that could lead to a thousand and one misunderstandings. 

Now, Shao Long wasn't exactly napping, but Shintarou knew he was relaxed. He thought about it for a while, and realized that it was currently Algebra class, and scoffed. Of course he was fucking relaxed, of fucking course. Shao Long wasn't the treasurer of the Student Council for nothing, and despite losing the Game months ago, Evan acknowledged his skills (not verbally of course) and didn't let anyone take over his position completely. His tasks were divided between Leon and Shintarou who were regular members, but neither of them had full access to the Academy's whole financial status. 

It was irritating, to say the least. He never saw the full extent of Shao Long's skills, but he knew the guy could skip meetings and get away with it, he guessed it was because he had time for himself, and he was able to complete his work well and within Evan's satisfactory evaluation. The treasurer's work isn't by any means, little. The Academy spends a lot, does a lot of things, is involved with many people. The job was tiring, but Shao Long was a real life owner of a high-status company. He was used to stuff like this, Shintarou told himself. 

Irritating, he said. Awfully irritating. 

Once class ended, they had time, plenty of time when other students would hang around for the next half an hour or so before going back to the dorms. Some liked to do their homework in the class where they could get in the mood for studying, some went to the cafeteria, or the changing room to play sports and games in the multiple courts. Students are free to do whatever they want, but of course there are limits to what could be done. For Student Council members, they would have meetings on regular. 

This would be the first for Shao Long in a few months, and it would be around another 20 minutes before the meeting would start, and the meeting room wouldn't be half full within another 15 minutes, so Shintarou saw no reason to rush things. He had went to his locker, putting away his books to gather out his homework. Though, he did realize it when a student came over to Shao Long's table, stating that Principal Evan had wanted to see him. 

Personal meetings with Principal Evan could only end in two ways. One, they were lucky. Two, the opposite. The latter is much more common, and Shintarou imagined what Evan would even say to that fiend with anger issues. About the Student Council? About him returning? About the Game? 

Perhaps Evan wanted to warn him again, or maybe he was going to ban Shao Long as a Student Council member. Or perhaps he wanted a report of Shao Long's self-reflection in the past two months. To be honest, Shintarou could care less about what happens to Shao Long, though it could not be the same for Gion. 

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