Chapter 24: Voice So Gentle It Sang Good Night

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A/N: So, I just want to inform about a few important details you will need in order to proceed with this fiction, and that is IF a dialogue is written in slanted letters, like in a normal dialogue in a normal conversation, and the whole dialogue is slanted, that means it is spoken in a language that's not English, okay? It can be anything, I may entail which language it was spoken in, but other than that, assume it's in another language, yea? 

It's different from when only one word in the sentence is written in slanted letters, which means there's an emphasis. Regardless if it's a dialogue or a monologue or a normal sentence, if the slanted letters are only used in one word, then it's an emphasis. 

And yea so basically the few days I've been gone was spent writing a bsd fic (almost 6k words so it took a lot of time), and doing addmaths homework (topic that I barely knew anything about no less). So yeah, it was rough. 

So now I'll try my best to get back to the true nature of this story, yea? 

Also, I really like the title of the chapter. 

«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»

"....I understand, Doctor. Sorry for the trouble." Shao Long tried to sound cheerful through the phone. Much thanks to the concept of calls is that one couldn't see your face from the other end of the line, allowing him to school whatever expression he wanted while conversing. No one wanted to speak to Shao Long who had black aura radiating off of him, or the him who looked like someone who would snap if you so much as breathe a little loudly. 

"These evidences will be given to the police as well to help with the investigation. Expect the same officers to call you in a few days. Maybe think about discussing this with your parents beforehand." 

"I'll keep that in mind. Thank you, Doctor." 

He ended the call before slowly placing the phone onto the nightstand where some pens and candy wrappings littered around, some falling off when the phone pushed it to the edge. The light from the lamp was dim, barely lighting much of the dark room. On the floor, laid a thin blanket and a bunch of pillows bundled up to form a simple sleeping space, which was where Shao Long was currently lying on. 

It's not too common for him to sleep on the floor, really, but on days when he was particularly attacked by hypnosis or suffered from long hours of work, he wouldn't even step onto the bed, unless the bed was made of a firm material that wouldn't sink your body when you sleep. 

It took him a few hours to realize he was actually hypnotized that day, when he was having his dinner and to him, the one sign that told him that was the headache that persisted. Another sign that appeared was that he couldn't sleep. 

Now was currently half an hour after midnight, Shao Long was more than sure that the others had gone to sleep much earlier on. Or maybe Shintarou was still on his computer, and Livio may still be keeping watch around: he's gotten a little more tense these days. Gion would definitely sleep early, but all those didn't matter to Shao Long. What was important now was the call he had just received from the doctor a few minutes ago. 

Forensic scientists sometimes went to the hospital to gather samples and materials for their research. Shao Long's father had assigned a particular doctor to be in charge of the required processes, and that doctor had his contact. She would be responsible for relaying the necessary details about Ru-er's recovery to the police and forensic team, as well as any anxious family member. The latest news was....not something Shao Long could accept as good. 

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