Chapter 4: Of Rues And Regret

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"I'm not kidding, bastard, the next few weeks of my life will be the busiest ever and I would appreciate it if you would kindly fuck off and stay out of my business until it's done. And don't even think of sending Leo here or I will kill him and you next. There shall be no mercy." Shao Long growled into the phone as he set his books into his locker.

The educational system in Momosu was, thankfully, very similar to Asian's style, where students have their own class, that only teachers had to do all the walking, and every students' schedule is the same for each class. Shao Long's books weren't necessarily rotten from months staying at home, but it was bad enough to start smelling like the metal locker itself. And from what Livio had informed in previously, the schedule hadn't been changed either, so that'd make it easier for him.

The voice through the phone only lightly chuckled in defilation, much to his irritation. "You'll have to tell him that yourself. How was I supposed to know what he'll do these days."

"Oh come on, all three of us know that there was no fucking way you wouldn't come here one way or another. And Leo being Leo, he wouldn't even think of staying in Hong Kong alone. Look, I'm busy, will be busy and will forever be busy, so if you would please....."

He didn't really need to say the rest of the sentence for Anubis to know what he wanted him to do, that is to calmly step away from the conversation and leave him alone for the rest of day, or better yet, the rest of the week, because now wasn't really the time to be proving who was strong or who was smarter. He could deal with wanting to be strong later, for now he had work to do, actual work.

"Alright, alright I'll listen to you. Oh and by the way, it's been a while since I've seen you in ponytail. At least now you don't look as lame as before."

"Fuck off, pervert." It's an open secret for the trio that among them, Anubis was the one who sees almost everything, Leo was the one who knows almost everything, and he was the one who is good at almost everything. Note the word almost, because there was no know for any of them to be truly perfect at their skills. While Anubis is still bad at plenty of things, soft skills mostly, and Leo wasn't particularly good at almost anything other than strategizing and probably calculating, Shao Long could do almost everything, though not as good as the other two with their respective skills.

Jack of all trades, master of none, but better than a master of one.

That was something at least he could boast about with the two. Heh.

It's always good to be better at something.

He was so caught up in his thoughts when he felt something hit his shoulder, causing him to stumble in his steps, and drop the books he had previously collected. Stunned, he turned to the side with a stiff expression, though he made sure to smile apologetically, assuming it was him who bumped into the other. "Sorry about tha-"

Before he could even finish his words though, the person only glanced at him with a scoff, and Shao long could've sworn he saw an eye roll, before the person walked away like nothing happened, leaving him with his books lying on the floor. When Shao Long looked back around him, he found that the hallway was almost empty, with most of the students now in the cafeteria, there was no way the person couldn't step away before running into him, and especially now that they were literally in the middle of the hallway, the student couldn't have been standing still either.

In conclusion, that student purposely bumped into him, didn't listen or acknowledge his apology, and left him and his books lying around with a scoff AND and eye roll.

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