Chapter 37: Time Move Forward, So Follow The Sunset

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Black irises stared down at the pair of wood on the floor. If this was any normal day, Shao Long would've plucked anyone's teeth out for dropping a wooden utensil on dirty floor, or he swore his surname wasn't Xi. However, this wasn't a normal day. Maybe it was a normal kidnapping day for him, but abnormal nonetheless if viewed by the perspective of public. So in order to commemorate this day, Shao Long swallowed down his urge to murder and picked the chopsticks up. 

The design wasn't in any way, common, or at least not in Momosu where Chinese people could be counted by two hands worth of fingers. Most chopsticks you could find on the island were without pattern, or if there was any, it would be the very basic. This pair, however, was traded personally by Shao Long, so it had carvings and was polished. 

So yeah, the only person in the world who would pick up his chopsticks in the middle of the road and willingly hand it over to him was, without a doubt, Leo. 

Motherfucker said he was in fucking Italy just yesterday, Shao Long cursed in his head. Could it be that Leo went from Italy after being satisfied with his gelato before flying all the way to Momosu? The other day, the blond was in Egypt. And if Shao Long remembered clearly, not a week ago, Leo was in Perth, so what the actual fuck? 

Anubis and Leo were both here, and that thought made him uneasy, somehow. Despite knowing each other for almost 6 years, Shao Long, Anubis and Leo very rarely meet each other face to face, much less gather with the three of them combined. Most of the time, they could be considered online besties, but they knew too much about each other to be classified that. So whenever Shao Long found himself in a situation where his two bros decided to come say hello face to face, he knew that there was something up their sleeves. 

Like that one time they kidnapped him from his office to go to the amusement park. 

Shao Long shuddered at the memory, unconsciously keeping the pair of chopsticks in his pocket as he made his way according to the scribbles on the wall. The scribbles were most likely written by Leo, judging by the handwriting, because Leo was the only person Shao Long knew who could write in perfect Arial point for literally anything. When Shao Long said Leo and Anubis' skill set was small, he was telling the truth, but he did highlight the fact that they were perfect at what they do. Anubis could fire a perfect shot with a bow made with a random twig in the forest, and Leo would draw the structure of human skeleton with nothing but a chalk. 

But Anubis couldn't draw shit in his life without it looking like hieroglyph, and Leo have no idea how to hold any blade without it looking like a scalpel. 

So yes, this path led by scribbles on the wall was written by Leo, and Shao Long didn't even know why he was even following it, just recklessly assuming that he was actually being led to the control room and not anywhere else that's disturbing, like a horde of guards, or you know, a trap. 

On his way, he was met with two mobsters, both of which had no idea they would bump into him, and just charged without taking their sweet time to register the blood on Shao Long's face, knuckles and hair, because they think he was small, they could get away with murdering this little Asian-sized teenager. It wasn't until Shao Long brought out his chopsticks that the two guards confirmed that the would forever be traumatized. 

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