Chapter 15: Of Childish Banters And Glares And Glitters

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Another day of work is another day of work. Because Shao Long had been mostly prepared for the class for the day, there was no need to be on high alert in classes in case the teachers decide to call him up front, which wasn't suppose to happen on normal occasions because teachers liked to pick on students who they think might have trouble in the topic. Since Shao Long has been called a few times yesterday as well, he was fine. 

Of course if you exclude the economics class. It's always thee economics class. Sir Andy was good, really good at his job. His teachings are well understood and the pacing isn't too bad. Shao Long had known the basics of every topic of what Sir Andy teaches so he could do well even without having to study. 

Alas, the teacher had this specific look on his face that Shao Long was starting to suspect he was born with. The scowl that never really melted. He was certain that no one had ever really him smile, but oh how he liked to glare at specifically Shao Long. Shao Long keeps grudges, he could keep it for 10 years and even a longer time. It's pathetic, but that's just him being true to himself. So when a person, regardless of their age and status, glares at him for no reason, Shao Long couldn't really contain the glare that he silently sent to him back. 

And once Sir Andy realized his glare, the teacher only chose to glare harder, and the whole class ended up with the increasing tension between the two. Childish, for both of them. 

Livio was quick to catch up on the inner battle that was happening between Shao Long and the economics teacher, and had nudged Gion by his side, gesturing to the two as the class went by. Gion stared at the duo and thought that it was funny how Sir Andy, the Academy's iconic resting bitch face was actually having a play off with Shao Long who's just as equally morally tainted though in the inside. 

Although Shao Long was still keeping that mask of a cheerful person, the glare was obvious enough to warn the fuck out of people who dared to come close, knowing that when a person who likes to smile suddenly got angry, you do not mess with them. Ever. 

"In the business industry, the human relation theory is much more commonly used from retrospect when compared to the use of AI. Explain why this happens." Sir Andy looked (glared) around this room, waiting for a volunteer, blatantly ignoring Gion's raised hand because he had just answered previously and Livio's because he's with Gion. Shintarou wasn't willing to ever stand out so no. 

While the rest of the class looked away, pretending not to notice the pressure the teacher was placing on them until what was remaining in the end had been the princes, and Shao Long who had a finger near his lips, faking thinking because no, he didn't want to answer that question despite knowing how to. 

Then he made a big mistake where the finger he had specifically placed on his lips had began tapping, making the thinking–look much more obvious and...well....fake. 

"Is there anything you wish to say, Shao Long?" Sir Andy called him out because of course he would. 

That bitch. 

Shao Long cleared his throat, hand covering the twitch on the edges on his lips. Just what he needed. Did he have to stand up? He probably should, yea yea he should. Shao Long stood albeit a little reluctant. Then with the mask simultaneously shifting to brief confidence, he spoke. 

"The human relation theory alters the multiple variables inside a working place that such as working environment, payment and direct approach on workers." Shao Long thought for a moment. "The nudges towards individual needs allows the resultant behavior and motivation to improve their work performances. The reason why the business industry favors this theory is mainly due to the low cost for operation. Human relations does not necessarily require a lot of financial input, although it does help in increasing the soft skills among workers, leading to greater results in the future in an exponential manner. When compared to the use of AI though, there are hardly any room for improvement in performances other than innovations which may put a strain on the company's budgets. That is what I think." 

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