Chapter 5: Of Anger and Virtue

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This is my comfort story now, dammit... It'll probably take a while before I update What Was Worth A Heart, for now I'll write the one that keeps me calm first aka this one. 

Also, I deleted the previous chapter's flashback cuz of some reasons that shall not be named, so whoever had read that part, I beg of you to erase it from your mind, pretty please?? 

Thank you :) 

PS: I'll try to be as mature as possible


It wasn't that Shao Long wasn't smart. No, that's not the case at all. Rather, he hates studying. He had just gone through a few months without paying attention to his studies and even a gifted child would struggle to keep up with academics in his situation. The syllabus he learned in China is also much more different than the one in Momosu, with Momosu being an international school, that means it provides the students with International Level Examination that's not at all as lenient as other international examinations, mainly because the pests that lurk in this academy is of noble blood....

If you ask Shao Long, he would never ever agree that the examinations in Momosu is harder than in China because Gaokao is a bitch. Still, it is difficult at some level, and truthfully, Shao Long hated studying with every fiber of his body and every wisp of his soul. Tests bedamned. 

The beginning of the day has yet again proven to be a nuisance. First subject was Physics, a godforsaken subject that Shao Long would've preferred to cease to exist but held back from cursing because if it weren't for physics, he wouldn't live as easily as he does now, not that it's easy to begin with. He would've appreciated if his life isn't harder than it already was, God please answer his prayers. 

They were going to discuss a homework they did last week. Great. Just fucking great. You can probably already guess where this is going. Not being able to prepare before a class is the least thing you would want to do especially if you know the teacher will come at you at every turn. So like it or not, per the teacher's orders, he had to share a book with....Shintarou. 

Why God, why?! 

Everyone, and I mean EVERYONE knows that Shao Long was to return to China a few months ago, and it wasn't even after a few months since he first joined. Anyone would've known that he had done something wrong at some point, and it greatly tarnished his image. So when Shao Long returned and had to share a homework with another student, his classmates will— mark my wordsat least grimace internally.

Not to mention the bad blood he shared with the Japanese prince. Because when Shintarou was downright glaring at him, it's hard, it really is, to resist the urge to yeet him out the window in front of his classmates because he has anger issues and anger issues do not disappear just because you want it to. God, he wanted to cry. 

As his mind was filled with internal grumbles, Shao Long hardly realized the teacher's glances towards him, choosing to lazily stare at the book between him and the creature that shall not be named, with his chin propped on his chin. 

He really hated studying... 

"Shao Long." The teacher called for his name, and Shao Long was unceremoniously caught red-handed daydreaming during class, the first lesson of the day no less. Shintarou didn't snicker like he half-expected him to. However, he didn't miss a few scoffs from behind him as he reluctantly looked at the teacher, somewhat maintaining the ridiculous smile on his face. 

"Do you understand how to do this question?" the teacher asked. 

With an invisible sigh, Shao Long nodded. 

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