Chapter 7: Of Spreadsheets And Hacks

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Once school starts, it will be another month or two without any updates so here I am going all out on my passion before returning to prison. 

Btw I looked up accounting for this, to which I'm new, so if there's an error, please turn a blind eye. Ahaha.


It's one thing to be able to work at full potential on the first day of just returning. It's another matter to do so with a professional smile, all the while ignoring the casual conversations and occasional bickering at the back. It's strange, to say the least. He didn't realize being a Student Council member allowed anyone to slack off, but he was by far the busiest compared to the others. 

It wasn't rare for Shao Long to do actual work during their meetings, the princes were all well aware of how he liked to skip these from time to time, though there was never any error in his work. The rare occasion though, is when Shao Long would have peerless concentration.

Being the treasurer of the Student Council is similar to being the head of the accountant department of a company, except without the subordinates working under him, with divided work and such. Shao Long probably need to promote that they require each committee member to have their own bureau to ease their workload. Because the Student Council is a new organization that was made up just this year, plenty of flaws were littered everywhere. Improvements were much needed, but since they've almost reached the end of the year, proposals like this weren't going to gain the attention of students.

Shao Long really needed his own accounting bureau.

So currently like it or not, the task of comparing bills and reports to see if there was any error, which included basic maths here and there, a little bit of magic trick with spreadsheet. That was one of his first task. The second one would be more of a nuisance, which involved him having to analyze budgets, and figuring out what to make of it. The most tedious tasks always involve thinking.

He was thankful that he at least didn't have to be a banker as well, or at least not for today's tasks.

Though, he did have to sign student's cahsflow. At first glance, there didn't seem to be too many of those, but think again. The Academy had their own staffs managing the money transfer inside. They manage students' payments, bills and everything else within the academy, which included currency changes. Because these noblemen students came from different countries, currency issue is a thing. Values rise and fall like waves and it's up to them to focus on that aspect. But Shao Long didn't have to deal with all those, what he needed to do was sign those paperwork and review on the parts that directly involves students. 

It was not a fun job, but it was important because only from reviewing on these will he be able to edit the budgets and construct a plan to actually obtain enough money for the winter events. 

A thought suddenly hit him at the back of his head. During his absence, he heard that Leon and Shintarou were the ones who handled the financial affairs, so what kind of work did they do exactly? The basic work scope of the treasurer is simply to review and keep track of the Academy's money flow. It shouldn't be too much of a deal, because Momosu Academy isn't like a company. 

Then,....did no one analyze all those reviewed data? 

"Shintarou." He called out to the Japanese prince. The two were separated by a desk, with Livio in between, mainly because both Gion and Livio knew that the two of them did not get along well. Like, at all. When he called Shintarou though, all three of them turned to look at once.

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