Semester 1: Exams

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                                                                                 January 14, 2013

I'm still not used to writing '2013', but whatever, I'll deal with it.

Happy New Year, Merry Christmas...even though it's a bit late. 

This week is the week of exam studying. It can be very stressful, all that constant studying. Trust me, I know how difficult it is to stay on task...especially when I study. I get restless, I don't want to sit still and read the same things over and over again, being forced to memorize page after page of notes. I'd rather be on my laptop, my phone, watching know, relaxing.

But obviously, in high school you never get to truly relax. You've got homework, projects, tests to study for and throw in some extra curricular activities here and there (well, minus that part since the Bill 115 is going on). Everything is super stressful in the week before exams. 

Especially when the teachers don't allow you to have cheat sheets. Actually, I lucked out this semester. My cute little old science teacher allows us to have a cheat sheet for each unit, which means less studying to do! But my Geography teacher is mean--for a lack of a better word..heck, just fill it in with whatever swear word you can think of!--so we have to do a lot of studying. In each unit there are 'sub-units' which sucks.

I spent over two hours writing revision notes for Geography. I was sighing very heavily for the duration of that time. Thankfully, our exam is based off our tests we had so it's a little bit easier, I guess. 

A friend on mine told me 'exams are easy, don't stress', but I don't think I'm going to be stress-free. At all. 

--Ogles over Sean on The Bachelor--

Anyway, I can't go without stressing over tests and projects. Knowing that exams are worth 30 percent of my final grade doesn't make things any easier. In fact, the pressure is on. I'm studying my butt off, I'm not used to studying for very long periods of time. I usually just briefly go over my notes and I'm prepared for the test.

Not this time. I'm studying for hours on end. Do not use music as a studying key. It does not work! I attempted that in my first half of studying. It just distracted me even more than usual. I can't believe I even accomplished anything.


First off, thank you to a close friend of mine for introducing this method to me. It really works, quite well actually. Get your favourite candy, whether it be gummy bears, swedish berries or life savers, like me. 

Grab a page of your notes and place one candy at the bottom of your page. Every time you read down to the candy, eat it!!! I will read it one to two times before I eat the candy, it depends on the length of the notes.

It actually works, in like three to four reads I had memorized a page. 


Good luck to everyone who is doing their exams and to everyone who will have exams in the future. If you have any questions, either comment below, message me or post to my message board on my profile. I'd be more than happy to answer :)

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