Phy-ed Fails

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                                                                                                               October 11, 2012

So today was quite funny, actually. But I'm only going to state the phys-ed fails ;)

Fail #1: So we're playing baseball indoors, with a bouncy dodgeball and a cricket..bat, I guess it's called. Here I am, getting ready to hit the ball. I actually hit it, but instead of going hits me in the face. I laugh it off through my embarrassment.

Fail #2: My friend (and teammate) Trevor had started running to the makeshift first base to 'guard' from the other team. But instead of stopping a the mat, he keeps going and slips and falls on the mat. Needless to say, that truly did make my day.

Fail #3: The last fail for this day. Phys-ed ends and I'm racing to the change room (which was locked at the time, but I didn't know this). I put my hands out in front of me to push it open, but instead of it opening and me racing inside the change room, it stays put. My face and shoulder hit the big, steel door and I'm left there laughing at my failure. I walked away with a sore shoulder and a slightly swollen cheek ;)

Yes, I fail at times. But hey, don't we all? ;D

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