Camping Fun! :)

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                                                                                        October 21, 2012

Before I begin, I will not be naming any person in here other than myself for privacy reasons, not that anyone would know the people I shall be talking about. I will be using the nicknames we came up for the guys at camp & the other guys will be called a letter. Here are the nicknames I will be using; JB, Ron Weasley/Ron and Potatoe. It's okay if you don't get the nicknames, it's just based on what/who they look like :P Also this was NOT for school, it was for a JOTA/Scouts camp...though I'm in Pathfinders (:

We're camping at a race track/speed way, though we weren't even allowed to go anywhere near it.

FRIDAY: (night)

We arrive at around four thirty or five o'clock, set up the tents and I cook dinner. Kraft Dinner and hot dogs, though I already had dinner so I had a little bowl of KD. Then we hang out in our tents for a bit and go to the movie under the stars. It was The Avengers, which is a horrible movie. I just socialized with C, K and N. N's in grade 7, golden blonde hair, blue or green eyes, high squeaky voice (ish...not that squeaky) and quite short. K has brown hair, loads of freckles and is in gr. 9 and C is tan, brown-black hair and tall, in gr. 10. They're not that attractive, but C is kinda cute (:

SATURDAY:! :) There were balancing ones, smoke house, firefighting, rope swinging, attempting to eat oreo cookies from our foreheads, etc. We met JB and his Dad there (: We only went there because his Dad has a cool Australian accent :P

We eat wraps for lunch and then...I actually forgot what we did after that, haha. At night two bands played (the Stefi Beck Band and The Kardiak Kids). The SBB was okay but TKK were amazing! A couple of us were hanging with N, C, K and some other random boys, until JB, Potatoe and Ron Weasley got there.

JB asks if we want to go to the bridge, the three of us, plus JB, Potatoe and Ron go up to the bridge, breaking the rules. I felt rebellious and kind of scared up there since, well they're way older than us and it's dark. Put two and two together....but nothing happened!

"How old are you guys?" JB asked us.

"How old are you?" One of us replies.

JB is 17, Ron is 18 and Potatoe is 14...awkward. Then JB takes us to his Dad's van and we chill in there, doors closed for a bit. Then the lights turn off automatically and we're like "are you going to do anything to us?" though we didn't phrase it quite that way. Obviously they wouldn't, but JB was eyeing us up.


So yeahh, I'm not going to state all the details since it goes on forever. It was one of the best weekends ever (:

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