Geography...or English? o.O

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                                                                                            October 18, 2012

Today was pretty funny, actually <3 Especially in geography class, which was more like an English class ;) You might not find this funny if you're not in my class/school, but I found it funny.

#1: Newspaper:

So my teacher decided she was going to make us write a newspaper article on her 'crazy saturday nights' also know as, making us practice for a geography assignment. She's like "Alyssa, would you like to start us off?"

Me, ""

All the while I'm thinking 'do I HAVE to?'. I get up, take a piece of chalk and draw her like she told me to. It was a pretty horrible drawing since I rushed it, but it was pro all the same ;) Then she gets Brandon to draw a party hat, which I swore took him like 10 minutes trying to draw it. Now for the background, she tries to make Taryn do it, but he won't. So Jess and Klaryssa get up drawing a disco ball and a cat & pig.

All the while Trevor's saying "Draw a naked old man!"

And the teacher was like "Definitely!", not realizes what he said. We both crack up and basically pee our selves from laughing.

#2: Brownies!

It was our Geography teacher's birthday on the weekend, so she made us brownies! So I'm all excited, because I love brownies ;)

"Are you excited?" Trevor asks.

Me, "Yeah!" -pause- "THIS IS GOOD!"

Once again, we're laughing so, so hard and I swore I was going to cry. You'd only get this part if you had the Science teacher who says 'this is good' twenty-four-seven. It's like an inside joke between my class.


So that was a great part of my day. Me & Trev always have the most random, but best conversations in class. They're mainly dirty since he's a guy, but we do talk about other stuff too... ;)

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