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Routines are quite important. To be able to survive school in general, you need a set routine. Whether it's a studying routine or a homework routine...bottom line is, you need a routine. For school, my daily routine should go something like this:

6-6:30 am: Wake up, make bed.

6:30-6:35: Get dressed. It helps if you set out your clothes the night before.

6:35-6:40: Wash face, use restroom.

6:40-6:55: Hair, makeup, last minute homework.

6:55-7:10: Eat breakfast, brush teeth.

7:15: Head down to the bus stop

*School time!!! :P *

3:05-5:30 pm: Grab quick snack, do homework.

5:30-6:00: Dinner time!

6:00-6:30: Take dog for a walk.

6:30-8:00: Do any left over homework.

8:00-8:50: t.v, read a book, play ipod, check emails, etc.

8:50-9:05: Get ready for bed.

9:05-9:14: Read, then straight to bed.

Obviously my morning routine will vary depending on how early I wake up. Some days I wake up at 5:30 (yuck!). Also some nights I am babysitting/working so of course I have to work around that. Give yourself plenty of time for homework, I've given myself 4 hours. That should be plenty of time, but of course you may need more or less depending on how fast a worker, etc. Actually, you should really take your time with homework; grades count!

Establish a routine before hand, so that you will stick with it throughout the school year. Good luck and happy grade making!

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